mirror of https://github.com/vinc/moros.git synced 2024-06-15 05:36:38 +00:00
Vincent Ollivier 4d50eae287
Refactor lisp functions (#478)
* Refactor function names

* Rename list_of_xs into xs

* Rename bytes to binary

* Fix failing tests

* Update changelog

* Remove legacy functions
2023-04-22 15:46:05 +02:00

512 lines
16 KiB

mod env;
mod eval;
mod expand;
mod number;
mod parse;
mod primitive;
pub use number::Number;
pub use env::Env;
use env::default_env;
use eval::{eval, eval_variable_args};
use expand::expand;
use parse::parse;
use crate::api;
use crate::api::console::Style;
use crate::api::process::ExitCode;
use crate::api::prompt::Prompt;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::format;
use alloc::rc::Rc;
use alloc::string::String;
use alloc::string::ToString;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use alloc::vec;
use core::cell::RefCell;
use core::convert::TryInto;
use core::fmt;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use spin::Mutex;
// Eval & Env adapted from Risp
// Copyright 2019 Stepan Parunashvili
// https://github.com/stopachka/risp
// Parser rewritten from scratch using Nom
// https://github.com/geal/nom
// See "Recursive Functions of Symic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine" by John McCarthy (1960)
// And "The Roots of Lisp" by Paul Graham (2002)
// MOROS Lisp is a lisp-1 like Scheme and Clojure
// See "Technical Issues of Separation in Function Cells and Value Cells" by Richard P. Gabriel (1982)
// Types
pub enum Exp {
Primitive(fn(&[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err>),
impl PartialEq for Exp {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(Exp::Function(a), Exp::Function(b)) => a == b,
(Exp::Macro(a), Exp::Macro(b)) => a == b,
(Exp::List(a), Exp::List(b)) => a == b,
(Exp::Bool(a), Exp::Bool(b)) => a == b,
(Exp::Num(a), Exp::Num(b)) => a == b,
(Exp::Str(a), Exp::Str(b)) => a == b,
(Exp::Sym(a), Exp::Sym(b)) => a == b,
_ => false,
use core::cmp::Ordering;
impl PartialOrd for Exp {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
match (self, other) {
(Exp::Function(a), Exp::Function(b)) => a.partial_cmp(b),
(Exp::Macro(a), Exp::Macro(b)) => a.partial_cmp(b),
(Exp::List(a), Exp::List(b)) => a.partial_cmp(b),
(Exp::Bool(a), Exp::Bool(b)) => a.partial_cmp(b),
(Exp::Num(a), Exp::Num(b)) => a.partial_cmp(b),
(Exp::Str(a), Exp::Str(b)) => a.partial_cmp(b),
(Exp::Sym(a), Exp::Sym(b)) => a.partial_cmp(b),
_ => None,
impl fmt::Display for Exp {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let out = match self {
Exp::Primitive(_) => "<function>".to_string(),
Exp::Function(_) => "<function>".to_string(),
Exp::Macro(_) => "<macro>".to_string(),
Exp::Bool(a) => a.to_string(),
Exp::Num(n) => n.to_string(),
Exp::Sym(s) => s.clone(),
Exp::Str(s) => format!("{:?}", s),
Exp::List(list) => {
let xs: Vec<String> = list.iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect();
format!("({})", xs.join(" "))
write!(f, "{}", out)
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct Function {
params: Exp,
body: Exp,
pub enum Err {
lazy_static! {
pub static ref FORMS: Mutex<Vec<String>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());
macro_rules! ensure_length_eq {
($list:expr, $count:expr) => {
if $list.len() != $count {
let plural = if $count != 1 { "s" } else { "" };
return Err(Err::Reason(format!("Expected {} expression{}", $count, plural)))
macro_rules! ensure_length_gt {
($list:expr, $count:expr) => {
if $list.len() <= $count {
let plural = if $count != 1 { "s" } else { "" };
return Err(Err::Reason(format!("Expected more than {} expression{}", $count, plural)))
pub fn bytes(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Err> {
pub fn strings(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Vec<String>, Err> {
pub fn numbers(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Vec<Number>, Err> {
pub fn string(exp: &Exp) -> Result<String, Err> {
match exp {
Exp::Str(s) => Ok(s.to_string()),
_ => Err(Err::Reason("Expected a string".to_string())),
pub fn number(exp: &Exp) -> Result<Number, Err> {
match exp {
Exp::Num(num) => Ok(num.clone()),
_ => Err(Err::Reason("Expected a number".to_string())),
pub fn float(exp: &Exp) -> Result<f64, Err> {
match exp {
Exp::Num(num) => Ok(num.into()),
_ => Err(Err::Reason("Expected a float".to_string())),
pub fn byte(exp: &Exp) -> Result<u8, Err> {
fn parse_eval(exp: &str, env: &mut Rc<RefCell<Env>>) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
let (_, exp) = parse(exp)?;
let exp = expand(&exp, env)?;
let exp = eval(&exp, env)?;
fn strip_comments(s: &str) -> String {
// FIXME: This doesn't handle `#` inside a string
fn lisp_completer(line: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let mut entries = Vec::new();
if let Some(last_word) = line.split_whitespace().next_back() {
if let Some(f) = last_word.strip_prefix('(') {
for form in &*FORMS.lock() {
if let Some(entry) = form.strip_prefix(f) {
fn repl(env: &mut Rc<RefCell<Env>>) -> Result<(), ExitCode> {
let csi_color = Style::color("Cyan");
let csi_error = Style::color("LightRed");
let csi_reset = Style::reset();
let prompt_string = format!("{}>{} ", csi_color, csi_reset);
println!("MOROS Lisp v0.4.0\n");
let mut prompt = Prompt::new();
let history_file = "~/.lisp-history";
while let Some(line) = prompt.input(&prompt_string) {
if line == "(quit)" {
if line.is_empty() {
match parse_eval(&line, env) {
Ok(res) => {
println!("{}\n", res);
Err(e) => match e {
Err::Reason(msg) => println!("{}Error:{} {}\n", csi_error, csi_reset, msg),
pub fn main(args: &[&str]) -> Result<(), ExitCode> {
let line_color = Style::color("Yellow");
let error_color = Style::color("LightRed");
let reset = Style::reset();
let env = &mut default_env();
// Store args in env
let key = Exp::Sym("args".to_string());
let list = Exp::List(if args.len() < 2 {
} else {
args[2..].iter().map(|arg| Exp::Str(arg.to_string())).collect()
let quote = Exp::List(vec![Exp::Sym("quote".to_string()), list]);
if eval_variable_args(&[key, quote], env).is_err() {
error!("Could not parse args");
return Err(ExitCode::Failure);
if args.len() < 2 {
} else {
let pathname = args[1];
if let Ok(code) = api::fs::read_to_string(pathname) {
let mut block = String::new();
let mut opened = 0;
let mut closed = 0;
for (i, line) in code.split('\n').enumerate() {
let line = strip_comments(line);
if !line.is_empty() {
opened += line.matches('(').count();
closed += line.matches(')').count();
if closed >= opened {
if let Err(e) = parse_eval(&block, env) {
match e {
Err::Reason(msg) => {
eprintln!("{}Error:{} {}", error_color, reset, msg);
eprintln!(" {}{}:{} {}", line_color, i, reset, line);
return Err(ExitCode::Failure);
opened = 0;
closed = 0;
} else {
error!("File not found '{}'", pathname);
fn test_lisp() {
use core::f64::consts::PI;
let env = &mut default_env();
macro_rules! eval {
($e:expr) => {
format!("{}", parse_eval($e, env).unwrap())
// quote
assert_eq!(eval!("(quote (1 2 3))"), "(1 2 3)");
assert_eq!(eval!("'(1 2 3)"), "(1 2 3)");
assert_eq!(eval!("(quote 1)"), "1");
assert_eq!(eval!("'1"), "1");
assert_eq!(eval!("(quote a)"), "a");
assert_eq!(eval!("'a"), "a");
assert_eq!(eval!("(quote '(a b c))"), "(quote (a b c))");
// atom?
assert_eq!(eval!("(atom? (quote a))"), "true");
assert_eq!(eval!("(atom? (quote (1 2 3)))"), "false");
assert_eq!(eval!("(atom? 1)"), "true");
// equal?
assert_eq!(eval!("(equal? (quote a) (quote a))"), "true");
assert_eq!(eval!("(equal? (quote a) (quote b))"), "false");
assert_eq!(eval!("(equal? (quote a) (quote ()))"), "false");
assert_eq!(eval!("(equal? (quote ()) (quote ()))"), "true");
assert_eq!(eval!("(equal? \"a\" \"a\")"), "true");
assert_eq!(eval!("(equal? \"a\" \"b\")"), "false");
assert_eq!(eval!("(equal? \"a\" 'b)"), "false");
assert_eq!(eval!("(equal? 1 1)"), "true");
assert_eq!(eval!("(equal? 1 2)"), "false");
assert_eq!(eval!("(equal? 1 1.0)"), "false");
assert_eq!(eval!("(equal? 1.0 1.0)"), "true");
// head
assert_eq!(eval!("(head (quote (1)))"), "1");
assert_eq!(eval!("(head (quote (1 2 3)))"), "1");
// tail
assert_eq!(eval!("(tail (quote (1)))"), "()");
assert_eq!(eval!("(tail (quote (1 2 3)))"), "(2 3)");
// cons
assert_eq!(eval!("(cons (quote 1) (quote (2 3)))"), "(1 2 3)");
assert_eq!(eval!("(cons (quote 1) (cons (quote 2) (cons (quote 3) (quote ()))))"), "(1 2 3)");
// cond
assert_eq!(eval!("(cond ((< 2 4) 1))"), "1");
assert_eq!(eval!("(cond ((> 2 4) 1))"), "()");
assert_eq!(eval!("(cond ((< 2 4) 1) (true 2))"), "1");
assert_eq!(eval!("(cond ((> 2 4) 1) (true 2))"), "2");
// if
assert_eq!(eval!("(if (< 2 4) 1)"), "1");
assert_eq!(eval!("(if (> 2 4) 1)"), "()");
assert_eq!(eval!("(if (< 2 4) 1 2)"), "1");
assert_eq!(eval!("(if (> 2 4) 1 2)"), "2");
// while
assert_eq!(eval!("(do (variable i 0) (while (< i 5) (set i (+ i 1))) i)"), "5");
// variable
eval!("(variable a 2)");
assert_eq!(eval!("(+ a 1)"), "3");
eval!("(variable add-one (function (b) (+ b 1)))");
assert_eq!(eval!("(add-one 2)"), "3");
eval!("(variable fibonacci (function (n) (if (< n 2) n (+ (fibonacci (- n 1)) (fibonacci (- n 2))))))");
assert_eq!(eval!("(fibonacci 6)"), "8");
// function
assert_eq!(eval!("((function (a) (+ 1 a)) 2)"), "3");
assert_eq!(eval!("((function (a) (* a a)) 2)"), "4");
assert_eq!(eval!("((function (x) (cons x '(b c))) 'a)"), "(a b c)");
// function definition shortcut
eval!("(define (double x) (* x 2))");
assert_eq!(eval!("(double 2)"), "4");
eval!("(define-function (triple x) (* x 3))");
assert_eq!(eval!("(triple 2)"), "6");
// addition
assert_eq!(eval!("(+)"), "0");
assert_eq!(eval!("(+ 2)"), "2");
assert_eq!(eval!("(+ 2 2)"), "4");
assert_eq!(eval!("(+ 2 3 4)"), "9");
assert_eq!(eval!("(+ 2 (+ 3 4))"), "9");
// subtraction
assert_eq!(eval!("(- 2)"), "-2");
assert_eq!(eval!("(- 2 1)"), "1");
assert_eq!(eval!("(- 1 2)"), "-1");
assert_eq!(eval!("(- 2 -1)"), "3");
assert_eq!(eval!("(- 8 4 2)"), "2");
// multiplication
assert_eq!(eval!("(*)"), "1");
assert_eq!(eval!("(* 2)"), "2");
assert_eq!(eval!("(* 2 2)"), "4");
assert_eq!(eval!("(* 2 3 4)"), "24");
assert_eq!(eval!("(* 2 (* 3 4))"), "24");
// division
assert_eq!(eval!("(/ 4)"), "0");
assert_eq!(eval!("(/ 4.0)"), "0.25");
assert_eq!(eval!("(/ 4 2)"), "2");
assert_eq!(eval!("(/ 1 2)"), "0");
assert_eq!(eval!("(/ 1 2.0)"), "0.5");
assert_eq!(eval!("(/ 8 4 2)"), "1");
// exponential
assert_eq!(eval!("(^ 2 4)"), "16");
assert_eq!(eval!("(^ 2 4 2)"), "256"); // Left to right
// modulo
assert_eq!(eval!("(% 3 2)"), "1");
// comparisons
assert_eq!(eval!("(< 6 4)"), "false");
assert_eq!(eval!("(> 6 4)"), "true");
assert_eq!(eval!("(> 6 4 2)"), "true");
assert_eq!(eval!("(> 6)"), "true");
assert_eq!(eval!("(>)"), "true");
assert_eq!(eval!("(= 6 4)"), "false");
assert_eq!(eval!("(= 6 6)"), "true");
assert_eq!(eval!("(= (+ 0.15 0.15) (+ 0.1 0.2))"), "false"); // FIXME?
// number
assert_eq!(eval!("(binary->number (number->binary 42) \"int\")"), "42");
assert_eq!(eval!("(binary->number (number->binary 42.0) \"float\")"), "42.0");
// string
assert_eq!(eval!("(parse \"9.75\")"), "9.75");
assert_eq!(eval!("(string \"a\" \"b\" \"c\")"), "\"abc\"");
assert_eq!(eval!("(string \"a\" \"\")"), "\"a\"");
assert_eq!(eval!("(string \"foo \" 3)"), "\"foo 3\"");
assert_eq!(eval!("(equal? \"foo\" \"foo\")"), "true");
assert_eq!(eval!("(equal? \"foo\" \"bar\")"), "false");
assert_eq!(eval!("(split \"a\nb\nc\" \"\n\")"), "(\"a\" \"b\" \"c\")");
// apply
assert_eq!(eval!("(apply + '(1 2 3))"), "6");
assert_eq!(eval!("(apply + 1 '(2 3))"), "6");
assert_eq!(eval!("(apply + 1 2 '(3))"), "6");
assert_eq!(eval!("(apply + 1 2 3 '())"), "6");
// trigo
assert_eq!(eval!("(acos (cos pi))"), PI.to_string());
assert_eq!(eval!("(acos 0)"), (PI / 2.0).to_string());
assert_eq!(eval!("(asin 1)"), (PI / 2.0).to_string());
assert_eq!(eval!("(atan 0)"), "0.0");
assert_eq!(eval!("(cos pi)"), "-1.0");
assert_eq!(eval!("(sin (/ pi 2))"), "1.0");
assert_eq!(eval!("(tan 0)"), "0.0");
// list
assert_eq!(eval!("(list)"), "()");
assert_eq!(eval!("(list 1)"), "(1)");
assert_eq!(eval!("(list 1 2)"), "(1 2)");
assert_eq!(eval!("(list 1 2 (+ 1 2))"), "(1 2 3)");
// bigint
assert_eq!(eval!("9223372036854775807"), "9223372036854775807"); // -> int
assert_eq!(eval!("9223372036854775808"), "9223372036854775808"); // -> bigint
assert_eq!(eval!("(+ 9223372036854775807 0)"), "9223372036854775807"); // -> int
assert_eq!(eval!("(- 9223372036854775808 1)"), "9223372036854775807"); // -> bigint
assert_eq!(eval!("(+ 9223372036854775807 1)"), "9223372036854775808"); // -> bigint
assert_eq!(eval!("(+ 9223372036854775807 1.0)"), "9223372036854776000.0"); // -> float
assert_eq!(eval!("(+ 9223372036854775807 10)"), "9223372036854775817"); // -> bigint
assert_eq!(eval!("(* 9223372036854775807 10)"), "92233720368547758070"); // -> bigint
assert_eq!(eval!("(^ 2 16)"), "65536"); // -> int
assert_eq!(eval!("(^ 2 128)"), "340282366920938463463374607431768211456"); // -> bigint
assert_eq!(eval!("(^ 2.0 128)"), "340282366920938500000000000000000000000.0"); // -> float
assert_eq!(eval!("(number-type 9223372036854775807)"), "\"int\"");
assert_eq!(eval!("(number-type 9223372036854775808)"), "\"bigint\"");
assert_eq!(eval!("(number-type 9223372036854776000.0)"), "\"float\"");
// quasiquote
eval!("(variable x 'a)");
assert_eq!(eval!("`(x ,x y)"), "(x a y)");
assert_eq!(eval!("`(x ,x y ,(+ 1 2))"), "(x a y 3)");
assert_eq!(eval!("`(list ,(+ 1 2) 4)"), "(list 3 4)");
// unquote-splice
eval!("(variable x '(1 2 3))");
assert_eq!(eval!("`(+ ,x)"), "(+ (1 2 3))");
assert_eq!(eval!("`(+ ,@x)"), "(+ 1 2 3)");
// splice
assert_eq!(eval!("((function (a @b) a) 1 2 3)"), "1");
assert_eq!(eval!("((function (a @b) b) 1 2 3)"), "(2 3)");
// macro
eval!("(variable foo 42)");
eval!("(variable set-10 (macro (x) `(set ,x 10)))");
eval!("(set-10 foo)");
assert_eq!(eval!("foo"), "10");
// args
eval!("(variable list* (function args (append args '())))");
assert_eq!(eval!("(list* 1 2 3)"), "(1 2 3)");