mirror of https://github.com/vinc/moros.git synced 2024-06-18 06:57:10 +00:00
Vincent Ollivier b1d7a1f929
Add docstring to lisp (#490)
* Add docstring to lisp

* Add expected macro

* Add could_not macro

* Improve naming conventions

* Refactor code

* Add env function

* Update changelog
2023-05-29 10:15:11 +02:00

441 lines
13 KiB

use super::parse::parse;
use super::{Err, Exp, Number};
use super::{float, number, string};
use super::{bytes, numbers, strings};
use crate::{ensure_length_eq, ensure_length_gt, expected, could_not};
use crate::api::fs;
use crate::api::regex::Regex;
use crate::usr::shell;
use alloc::format;
use alloc::string::String;
use alloc::string::ToString;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use alloc::vec;
use core::cmp::Ordering::Equal;
use core::convert::TryFrom;
use core::convert::TryInto;
pub fn lisp_eq(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
Ok(Exp::Bool(numbers(args)?.windows(2).all(|nums| nums[0] == nums[1])))
pub fn lisp_gt(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
Ok(Exp::Bool(numbers(args)?.windows(2).all(|nums| nums[0] > nums[1])))
pub fn lisp_gte(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
Ok(Exp::Bool(numbers(args)?.windows(2).all(|nums| nums[0] >= nums[1])))
pub fn lisp_lt(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
Ok(Exp::Bool(numbers(args)?.windows(2).all(|nums| nums[0] < nums[1])))
pub fn lisp_lte(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
Ok(Exp::Bool(numbers(args)?.windows(2).all(|nums| nums[0] <= nums[1])))
pub fn lisp_mul(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
let res = numbers(args)?.iter().fold(Number::Int(1), |acc, a| acc * a.clone());
pub fn lisp_add(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
let res = numbers(args)?.iter().fold(Number::Int(0), |acc, a| acc + a.clone());
pub fn lisp_sub(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_gt!(args, 0);
let args = numbers(args)?;
let head = args[0].clone();
if args.len() == 1 {
} else {
let res = args[1..].iter().fold(Number::Int(0), |acc, a| acc + a.clone());
Ok(Exp::Num(head - res))
pub fn lisp_div(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_gt!(args, 0);
let mut args = numbers(args)?;
if args.len() == 1 {
args.insert(0, Number::Int(1));
for arg in &args[1..] {
if arg.is_zero() {
return expected!("non-zero number");
let head = args[0].clone();
let res = args[1..].iter().fold(head, |acc, a| acc / a.clone());
pub fn lisp_mod(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_gt!(args, 0);
let args = numbers(args)?;
for arg in &args[1..] {
if arg.is_zero() {
return expected!("non-zero number");
let head = args[0].clone();
let res = args[1..].iter().fold(head, |acc, a| acc % a.clone());
pub fn lisp_exp(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_gt!(args, 0);
let args = numbers(args)?;
let head = args[0].clone();
let res = args[1..].iter().fold(head, |acc, a| acc.pow(a));
pub fn lisp_shl(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 2);
let args = numbers(args)?;
let res = args[0].clone() << args[1].clone();
pub fn lisp_shr(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 2);
let args = numbers(args)?;
let res = args[0].clone() >> args[1].clone();
pub fn lisp_cos(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
pub fn lisp_acos(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
if -1.0 <= float(&args[0])? && float(&args[0])? <= 1.0 {
} else {
expected!("argument to be between -1.0 and 1.0")
pub fn lisp_asin(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
if -1.0 <= float(&args[0])? && float(&args[0])? <= 1.0 {
} else {
expected!("argument to be between -1.0 and 1.0")
pub fn lisp_atan(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
pub fn lisp_sin(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
pub fn lisp_tan(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
pub fn lisp_trunc(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
pub fn lisp_system(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_gt!(args, 0);
let cmd = strings(&args)?.join(" ");
match shell::exec(&cmd) {
Ok(()) => Ok(Exp::Num(Number::from(0 as u8))),
Err(code) => Ok(Exp::Num(Number::from(code as u8))),
pub fn lisp_read_file(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
let path = string(&args[0])?;
let contents = fs::read_to_string(&path).or(could_not!("read file"))?;
pub fn lisp_read_file_bytes(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 2);
let path = string(&args[0])?;
let len = number(&args[1])?;
let mut buf = vec![0; len.try_into()?];
let n = fs::read(&path, &mut buf).or(could_not!("read file"))?;
buf.resize(n, 0);
Ok(Exp::List(buf.iter().map(|b| Exp::Num(Number::from(*b))).collect()))
pub fn lisp_write_file_bytes(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 2);
let path = string(&args[0])?;
match &args[1] {
Exp::List(list) => {
let buf = bytes(list)?;
let n = fs::write(&path, &buf).or(could_not!("write file"))?;
_ => expected!("second argument to be a list")
pub fn lisp_append_file_bytes(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 2);
let path = string(&args[0])?;
match &args[1] {
Exp::List(list) => {
let buf = bytes(list)?;
let n = fs::append(&path, &buf).or(could_not!("write file"))?;
_ => expected!("second argument to be a list")
pub fn lisp_string(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
let args: Vec<String> = args.iter().map(|arg| match arg {
Exp::Str(s) => format!("{}", s),
exp => format!("{}", exp),
pub fn lisp_string_bytes(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
let s = string(&args[0])?;
let buf = s.as_bytes();
Ok(Exp::List(buf.iter().map(|b| Exp::Num(Number::from(*b))).collect()))
pub fn lisp_bytes_string(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
match &args[0] {
Exp::List(list) => {
let buf = bytes(list)?;
let s = String::from_utf8(buf).or(expected!("a valid UTF-8 string"))?;
_ => expected!("argument to be a list")
pub fn lisp_bytes_number(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 2);
match (&args[0], &args[1]) { // TODO: default type to "int" and make it optional
(Exp::List(list), Exp::Str(kind)) => {
let buf = bytes(list)?;
ensure_length_eq!(buf, 8);
match kind.as_str() { // TODO: bigint
"int" => Ok(Exp::Num(Number::Int(i64::from_be_bytes(buf[0..8].try_into().unwrap())))),
"float" => Ok(Exp::Num(Number::Float(f64::from_be_bytes(buf[0..8].try_into().unwrap())))),
_ => expected!("valid number type"),
_ => expected!("arguments to be the type of number and a list of bytes")
pub fn lisp_number_bytes(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
let n = number(&args[0])?;
Ok(Exp::List(n.to_be_bytes().iter().map(|b| Exp::Num(Number::from(*b))).collect()))
pub fn lisp_regex_find(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 2);
match (&args[0], &args[1]) {
(Exp::Str(regex), Exp::Str(s)) => {
let res = Regex::new(regex).find(s).map(|(a, b)| {
vec![Exp::Num(Number::from(a)), Exp::Num(Number::from(b))]
_ => expected!("arguments to be a regex and a string")
pub fn lisp_string_number(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
let s = string(&args[0])?;
let n = s.parse().or(could_not!("parse number"))?;
pub fn lisp_type(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
let exp = match args[0] {
Exp::Primitive(_) => "function",
Exp::Function(_) => "function",
Exp::Macro(_) => "macro",
Exp::List(_) => "list",
Exp::Bool(_) => "boolean",
Exp::Str(_) => "string",
Exp::Sym(_) => "symbol",
Exp::Num(_) => "number",
pub fn lisp_number_type(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
match args[0] {
Exp::Num(Number::Int(_)) => Ok(Exp::Str("int".to_string())),
Exp::Num(Number::BigInt(_)) => Ok(Exp::Str("bigint".to_string())),
Exp::Num(Number::Float(_)) => Ok(Exp::Str("float".to_string())),
_ => expected!("argument to be a number")
pub fn lisp_parse(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
let s = string(&args[0])?;
let (_, exp) = parse(&s)?;
pub fn lisp_list(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
pub fn lisp_unique(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
if let Exp::List(list) = &args[0] {
let mut list = list.clone();
} else {
expected!("argument to be a list")
pub fn lisp_sort(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
if let Exp::List(list) = &args[0] {
let mut list = list.clone();
list.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap_or(Equal));
} else {
expected!("argument to be a list")
pub fn lisp_contains(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 2);
if let Exp::List(list) = &args[0] {
} else {
expected!("first argument to be a list")
pub fn lisp_nth(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 2);
let i = usize::try_from(number(&args[1])?)?;
match &args[0] {
Exp::List(l) => {
if let Some(e) = l.iter().nth(i) {
} else {
Exp::Str(s) => {
if let Some(c) = s.chars().nth(i) {
} else {
_ => expected!("first argument to be a list or a string")
pub fn lisp_slice(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
let (a, b) = match args.len() {
2 => (usize::try_from(number(&args[1])?)?, 1),
3 => (usize::try_from(number(&args[1])?)?, usize::try_from(number(&args[2])?)?),
_ => return expected!("2 or 3 arguments"),
match &args[0] {
Exp::List(l) => {
let l: Vec<Exp> = l.iter().cloned().skip(a).take(b).collect();
Exp::Str(s) => {
let s: String = s.chars().skip(a).take(b).collect();
_ => expected!("first argument to be a list or a string")
pub fn lisp_chunks(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 2);
match (&args[0], &args[1]) {
(Exp::List(list), Exp::Num(num)) => {
let n = usize::try_from(num.clone())?;
Ok(Exp::List(list.chunks(n).map(|a| Exp::List(a.to_vec())).collect()))
_ => expected!("a list and a number")
pub fn lisp_split(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 2);
match (&args[0], &args[1]) {
(Exp::Str(string), Exp::Str(pattern)) => {
let list = if pattern.is_empty() {
// NOTE: "abc".split("") => ["", "b", "c", ""]
string.chars().map(|s| Exp::Str(s.to_string())).collect()
} else {
string.split(pattern).map(|s| Exp::Str(s.to_string())).collect()
_ => expected!("a string and a pattern")
pub fn lisp_trim(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
if let Exp::Str(s) = &args[0] {
} else {
expected!("a string and a pattern")
pub fn lisp_length(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
ensure_length_eq!(args, 1);
match &args[0] {
Exp::List(list) => Ok(Exp::Num(Number::from(list.len()))),
Exp::Str(string) => Ok(Exp::Num(Number::from(string.chars().count()))),
_ => expected!("a list or a string")
pub fn lisp_append(args: &[Exp]) -> Result<Exp, Err> {
let mut res = vec![];
for arg in args {
if let Exp::List(list) = arg {
} else {
return expected!("a list")