mirror of https://github.com/vinc/moros.git synced 2024-06-18 06:57:10 +00:00
Vincent Ollivier e4ce2ab59c
Use exit code to set status var (#360)
* Use exit code

* Add macro_use to sys module

* Replace ExitCode with Result<usize, usize>

* Add status var

* Fix status code

* Replace status with ?

* Fix regex for var substitution

* Remove warnings

* Add temporary fix for failing tests

* Add q shortcut to calc

* Use usize for exit code

* Use process exit codes

* Reintroduce ExitCode enum

* Use ExitCode::UsageError where needed

* Display usage error in find command

* Add doc
2022-06-29 19:23:01 +02:00

195 lines
5.7 KiB

use crate::api::process::ExitCode;
use crate::api::prompt::Prompt;
use crate::api::console::Style;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::format;
use alloc::string::String;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use nom::branch::alt;
use nom::character::complete::{char, space0};
use nom::number::complete::double;
use nom::combinator::map;
use nom::multi::many0;
use nom::sequence::{delimited, tuple};
use nom::IResult;
// Adapted from Basic Calculator
// Copyright 2021 Balaji Sivaraman
// https://github.com/balajisivaraman/basic_calculator_rs
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Exp {
Add(Box<Exp>, Box<Exp>),
Sub(Box<Exp>, Box<Exp>),
Mul(Box<Exp>, Box<Exp>),
Div(Box<Exp>, Box<Exp>),
Exp(Box<Exp>, Box<Exp>),
Mod(Box<Exp>, Box<Exp>),
// Parser
fn parse(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Exp> {
let (input, num1) = parse_term(input)?;
let (input, exps) = many0(tuple((alt((char('+'), char('-'))), parse_term)))(input)?;
Ok((input, parse_exp(num1, exps)))
fn parse_term(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Exp> {
let (input, num1) = parse_factor(input)?;
let (input, exps) = many0(tuple((alt((char('%'), char('/'), char('*'))), parse_factor)))(input)?;
Ok((input, parse_exp(num1, exps)))
fn parse_factor(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Exp> {
let (input, num1) = alt((parse_parens, parse_num))(input)?;
let (input, exps) = many0(tuple((char('^'), parse_factor)))(input)?;
Ok((input, parse_exp(num1, exps)))
fn parse_parens(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Exp> {
delimited(space0, delimited(char('('), parse, char(')')), space0)(input)
fn parse_num(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Exp> {
map(delimited(space0, double, space0), Exp::Num)(input)
fn parse_exp(exp: Exp, rem: Vec<(char, Exp)>) -> Exp {
rem.into_iter().fold(exp, |acc, val| parse_op(val, acc))
fn parse_op(tup: (char, Exp), exp1: Exp) -> Exp {
let (op, exp2) = tup;
match op {
'+' => Exp::Add(Box::new(exp1), Box::new(exp2)),
'-' => Exp::Sub(Box::new(exp1), Box::new(exp2)),
'*' => Exp::Mul(Box::new(exp1), Box::new(exp2)),
'/' => Exp::Div(Box::new(exp1), Box::new(exp2)),
'^' => Exp::Exp(Box::new(exp1), Box::new(exp2)),
'%' => Exp::Mod(Box::new(exp1), Box::new(exp2)),
_ => panic!("Unknown operation"),
// Evaluation
fn eval(exp: Exp) -> f64 {
match exp {
Exp::Num(num) => num,
Exp::Add(exp1, exp2) => eval(*exp1) + eval(*exp2),
Exp::Sub(exp1, exp2) => eval(*exp1) - eval(*exp2),
Exp::Mul(exp1, exp2) => eval(*exp1) * eval(*exp2),
Exp::Div(exp1, exp2) => eval(*exp1) / eval(*exp2),
Exp::Exp(exp1, exp2) => libm::pow(eval(*exp1), eval(*exp2)),
Exp::Mod(exp1, exp2) => libm::fmod(eval(*exp1), eval(*exp2)),
fn parse_eval(line: &str) -> Result<f64, String> {
match parse(line) {
Ok((line, parsed)) => {
if line.is_empty() {
} else {
Err(format!("Could not parse '{}'", line))
Err(_) => {
Err(format!("Could not parse '{}'", line))
fn repl() -> Result<(), ExitCode> {
println!("MOROS Calc v0.1.0\n");
let csi_color = Style::color("Cyan");
let csi_error = Style::color("LightRed");
let csi_reset = Style::reset();
let prompt_string = format!("{}>{} ", csi_color, csi_reset);
let mut prompt = Prompt::new();
let history_file = "~/.calc-history";
while let Some(line) = prompt.input(&prompt_string) {
if line == "q" || line == "quit" {
if line.is_empty() {
match parse_eval(&line) {
Ok(res) => {
println!("{}\n", res);
Err(msg) => {
println!("{}Error:{} {}\n", csi_error, csi_reset, msg);
pub fn main(args: &[&str]) -> Result<(), ExitCode> {
if args.len() == 1 {
} else {
match parse_eval(&args[1..].join(" ")) {
Ok(res) => {
println!("{}", res);
Err(msg) => {
error!("{}", msg);
fn test_calc() {
macro_rules! eval {
($e:expr) => {
format!("{}", parse_eval($e).unwrap())
assert_eq!(eval!("1"), "1");
assert_eq!(eval!("1.5"), "1.5");
assert_eq!(eval!("+1"), "1");
assert_eq!(eval!("-1"), "-1");
assert_eq!(eval!("1 + 2"), "3");
assert_eq!(eval!("1 + 2 + 3"), "6");
assert_eq!(eval!("1 + 2.5"), "3.5");
assert_eq!(eval!("1 + 2.5"), "3.5");
assert_eq!(eval!("2 - 1"), "1");
assert_eq!(eval!("1 - 2"), "-1");
assert_eq!(eval!("2 * 3"), "6");
assert_eq!(eval!("2 * 3.5"), "7");
assert_eq!(eval!("6 / 2"), "3");
assert_eq!(eval!("6 / 4"), "1.5");
assert_eq!(eval!("2 ^ 4"), "16");
assert_eq!(eval!("3 % 2"), "1");
assert_eq!(eval!("2 * 3 + 4"), "10");
assert_eq!(eval!("2 * (3 + 4)"), "14");
assert_eq!(eval!("2 ^ 4 + 1"), "17");
assert_eq!(eval!("1 + 2 ^ 4"), "17");
assert_eq!(eval!("1 + 3 * 2 ^ 4 * 2 + 3"), "100");