
73 lines
1.4 KiB

(var stdin 0)
(var stdout 1)
(var stderr 2)
# Read
(def (read-binary path)
"Read binary file"
(var size (file.size path))
(var file ( path "r"))
(var data ( file size))
(file.close file)
(def (read path)
"Read text file"
(binary->string (read-binary path)))
# Write
(def (write-binary path data)
"Write binary to file"
(var file ( path "w"))
(file.write file data)
(file.close file)))
(def (write path text)
"Write text to file"
(write-binary path (string->binary text)))
# Append
(def (append-binary path data)
"Append binary to file"
(var file ( path "a"))
(file.write file data)
(file.close file)))
(def (append path text)
"Append text to file"
(append-binary path (string->binary text)))
# Console
(def (read-line)
"Read line from the console"
(string.trim (binary->string ( stdin 256))))
(def (read-char)
"Read char from the console"
(binary->string ( stdin 4)))
(def (p exp)
"Print expression to the console"
(file.write stdout (string->binary (string exp)))
(def (print exp)
"Print expression to the console with a newline"
(p (string exp "\n")))
# Special
(def (uptime)
(binary->number (read-binary "/dev/clk/uptime") "float"))
(def (realtime)
(binary->number (read-binary "/dev/clk/realtime") "float"))