This commit is contained in:
virtual 2018-07-02 22:08:06 -04:00
parent 05a16b29a3
commit b2d0ade9aa
1 changed files with 18 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -1,30 +1,24 @@
# TildeIRC ~ shit lib by virtual/sn1tch
# please contrib i suck
# and yes this looks like minerbot but i ran out of ideas and most of it is somewhat original
import socket import socket
import time
class Bot: class Bot:
def __init__(self, server, port, user): def __init__(self, server, port, user):
global s self.server = server
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.port = port
s.connect((server, int(port))) self.user = user
b = s.recv(4096)
s.send("USER %s * 8 TildeIRC!" % user)
s.send("NICK %s" % user)
if b.find("PING") != -1:
# sorry khuxkm if i legit just copy-pasted, i didn't have enough brain power
s.send("PONG %s\r\n" % b.split()[1])
def read(self): def startup(self):
self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.s.connect((server, port))
self.s.send("NICK %s" % user)
self.s.send("USER %s 8 * :TildeIRC ftw" % user)
while 1: while 1:
x = s.recv(4096) buf = self.s.recv(4096)
print x if buf.find('PING') != -1:
def NickServAuth(self, email, password): self.s.send("PONG %s\r\n" % buf.split()[1])
s.send("PRIVMSG NickServ REGISTER %s %s" % password, email) def read(self):
time.sleep(1) buf = self.s.recv(4096)
print "[*] registering user" print buf
def send(self, command):
def joinchannel(self, channel):
s.send("JOIN %s\n" % channel)