37 lines
925 B

import mech
from collections import defaultdict
import clean_dict as c
def add_player(lobby_dict):
# Set the name
temp = input("Input your name: ")
# and immediately add it and a first mech into the lobby
test1 = mech.Mech(quiet=False,debug=True)
lobby_dict[temp] = test1
# cleans None from lobby
lobby_dict = c.clean(lobby_dict)
return lobby_dict
def add_mech(lobby_dict):
# takes the lobby the player is in
player = input("Input your player ID: ")
# will need to authenticate player input (this would be serverside IRL)
temp = [lobby_dict[player]]
# temporary copy of current player's lobby info'
# adds new mech onto list
return temp
lobby_dict = defaultdict(list)
test2 = mech.Mech(quiet=True,debug=True)
for player in lobby_dict.items():
print('Player: ',player)
lobby_dict[player] = add_mech(lobby_dict)