
976 B


framebuffer pixelflut server in C.


  • compile with make
  • make sure you have read/write access to the framebuffer (ie put yourself in the video group)
  • go in something that wont fight you for the framebuffer, ie a tty
  • do ./fbflut (or ./fbflut <port>)
  • connect with netcat or something, the default port is 1234


  • this writes provided colors directly to your framebuffer, meaning it inherits the color format. if your system is big-endian, or if your color format is weird, you may need to add -DALPHA_AT_END to CFLAGS in the Makefile to allow omitting alpha in PX commands
  • fbflut does not store its own buffer, the canvas is entirely mmapped to the framebuffer, so be weary of other programs writing to it

LOSSY compile option

add -DLOSSY to CFLAGS in the Makefile to disable waiting for incomplete line reads to finish, which can make it slightly faster at the expense of losing a couple pixels.