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## amateur radio stuff
- logbook in [Markdown/text]( hamlog.md )/[HTML]( hamlog.html ) format;
*NB: remains under copyright, i.e CC license does not apply here!*
- favorite repeaters list in [Markdown]( relais.md )/[HTML]( relais.html ) format
## non-amateur radio related stuff
I may store here also some information about other interesting services.
*No warranty, use at your own risk, and all the other common legal stuff...*
- [maritime/nautical]( nautical )
## About
This is my personal [Github Page]( https://pages.github.com );
also have a look at my [main web][sdfw] and [gopher][sdfg] sites
as well as my [Gitlab]( https://gitlab.com/yargo ), [Github][] and
[Gitbooks]( https://hb9kns.gitbooks.io ) repositories!
*There may also be some non-private but still personal things related to amateur radio, so don't be astonished if not everything makes sense to you.*
### Contact
*Addresses may change anytime, if they are spammed!*
- E-Mail: [pypywrdyvh@snkmail.com]( mailto:pypywrdyvh@snkmail.com )
- via [Github][]
Please see my [main site][sdf] for more information.
*HTML files may be out of date for a day, as I cannot generate them from all mobile devices.*
![Creative Commons License]( https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/80x15.png )
This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License]( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ ).
*(2018-June, HB9KNS)*
[sdfw]: http://yargo.andropov.org "SDF/Freeshell homepage"
[sdfg]: gopher://sdf.org/1/users/yargo "SDF/Freeshell gopherhole"
[Github]: https://github.com/hb9kns "Github account"