
1.7 KiB


A simple webring backend made with Flask.

How to set up

Install the following dependencies:


Then, run the following commands:

pip install flask

# Clone the repo
git clone https://codeberg.org/amongtech/flaskring
cd flaskring

# Edit these files as needed
cp flaskring/templates/error.example.html flaskring/templates/error.html
cp flaskring/templates/ringhome.example.html flaskring/templates/ringhome.html
cp sites.example.json sites.json

# Once done, run the run command
FLASK_APP=flaskring flask run


Static assets

To make static assets, run the command:

mkdir static

and place all static assets in there. In your files, reference them with static/file.exs.


ringhome.html is the homepage for your webring. You may use any valid HTML, CSS, JS, anything, but if you want your links to show on the homepage you must include a snippet like so: (the following snippet uses an unordered list to show all URLS, you can use anything):

{% for site in sites %}
	<li><a href="https://{{ site.url }}">{{ site.name }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}


error.html is loaded whenever there is an error with the request. The only required template message (to show the error) is {{ text }}.


A typical sites.json config would look as follows:

{ "sites": [
		"name": "Example",
		"url": "example.com"
		"name": "Example 2",
		"url": "two.example.com"

These names are loaded into the index page, and the urls must not have an HTTP/HTTPS protocol indicator before them as Flaskring adds them.

Contributions are welcome!