
2.3 KiB

Messages: The Basic Building Block

The most important protocol concept is that of the "message". In their most simple form, Pigeon protocol messages are just ASCII text documents. They are human readable and can even be created by hand in a text editor, though most clients will provide better means of authoring messages.

Below is an example of such a message:

author @MF312A76JV8S1XWCHV1XR6ANRDMPAT2G5K8PZTGKWV354PR82CD0.ed25519
kind weather_report
depth 3
lipmaa 2



The specifics of the message format are explained line-by-line in the message format explanation document. Please read this document before continuing.

Bundles: The Transmission Medium


a user exports a bundle that contains a few messages and the following blobs:


Assuming the user's client follows this specification, the exported bundles strucutre would be laid out as follows on the local filesystem:

├── messages.pgn
├── 622PRNJ
│   └── 7C0S05X
│       └── R2AHDPK
│           └── WMG051B
│               └── 1QW5SXM
│                   └── N2RQHF2
│                       └── AND6J8V.GPG
├── FV0FJ0Y
│   └── ZADY7C5
│       └── JTTFYPK
│           └── DBHTZJ5
│               └── JVVP5TC
│                   └── KP0605W
│                       └── WXYJG4V.MRG
└── YPF11E5
    └── N9JFVB6
        └── KB1N1WD
            └── VVT9DXM
                └── CHE0XJW
                    └── BZHT2CQ
                        └── 29S5SEP.CSG

Up Next

This concludes the developer documentation. Please email us with questions. To learn more, continue to the idea bin.