Fix a bug with name collision

This commit is contained in:
Case Duckworth 2021-03-04 17:49:18 -06:00
parent 8629f74d16
commit 183617a85d
1 changed files with 445 additions and 310 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# bollux: a bash gemini client
# BOLLUX: a bash gemini client
# Author: Case Duckworth
# License: MIT
# Version: 0.4.0
# Version: 0.4.1
# Commentary:
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@
# [9]: OpenSSL `s_client' online manual
# Code:
# Program information
@ -62,139 +64,13 @@ usage:
-h show this help and exit
-q be quiet: log no messages
-v verbose: log more messages
-v be verbose: log more messages
URL the URL to start in
If not provided, the user will be prompted.
# UTILITY FUNCTIONS ############################################################
# Run a command, but log it first.
# See `log' for the available levels.
run() { # run COMMAND...
# I have to add a `trap' here for SIGINT to work properly.
trap bollux_quit SIGINT
log debug "$*"
# Exit with an error and a message describing it.
die() { # die EXIT_CODE MESSAGE
local ec="$1"
log error "$*"
exit "$ec"
# Exit with success, printing a fun message.
# The default message is from the wonderful show "Cowboy Bebop."
bollux_quit() {
printf '\e[1m%s\e[0m:\t\e[3m%s\e[0m\n' "$PRGN" "$BOLLUX_BYEMSG"
# SIGINT is C-c, and I want to make sure bollux quits when it's typed.
trap bollux_quit SIGINT
# Trim leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
# [1]: #trim-leading-and-trailing-white-space-from-string
trim_string() { # trim_string STRING
: "${1#"${1%%[![:space:]]*}"}"
: "${_%"${_##*[![:space:]]}"}"
printf '%s\n' "$_"
# Cycle a variable.
# e.g. 'cycle_list one,two,three' => 'two,three,one'
cycle_list() { # cycle_list LIST DELIM
local list="${!1}" delim="$2"
local first="${list%%${delim}*}"
local rest="${list#*${delim}}"
printf -v "$1" '%s%s%s' "${rest}" "${delim}" "${first}"
# Determine the first element of a delimited list.
# e.g. 'first one,two,three' => 'one'
first() { # first LIST DELIM
local list="${!1}" delim="$2"
printf '%s\n' "${list%%${delim}*}"
# Log a message to stderr (&2).
# TODO: document
log() { # log LEVEL MESSAGE
[[ "$BOLLUX_LOGLEVEL" == QUIET ]] && return
local fmt
case "$1" in
([dD]*) # debug
[[ "$BOLLUX_LOGLEVEL" == DEBUG ]] || return
([eE]*) # error
(*) fmt=1 ;;
printf >&2 '\e[%sm%s:%s:\e[0m\t%s\n' "$fmt" "$PRGN" "${FUNCNAME[1]}" "$*"
# Set the terminal title.
set_title() { # set_title STRING
printf '\e]2;%s\007' "$*"
# Prompt the user for input.
# This is a thin wrapper around `read', a bash built-in. Because of the
# way bollux messes around with stein and stdout, I need to read directly from
# the TTY with this function.
prompt() { # prompt [-u] PROMPT [READ_ARGS...]
local read_cmd=(read -e -r)
if [[ "$1" == "-u" ]]; then
read_cmd+=(-i "$BOLLUX_URL")
local prompt="$1"
read_cmd+=(-p "$prompt> ")
"${read_cmd[@]}" </dev/tty "$@"
# Bash built-in replacement for `cat'
# One of the more pedantic bits of bollux (is 'pedantic' the right word?) --
# `cat' is more than likely installed on any system with bash, so this function
# is really just here so I can say that bollux is written as purely in bash as
# possible.
passthru() {
while IFS= read -r; do
printf '%s\n' "$REPLY"
# Bash built-in replacement for `sleep'
# The commentary for `passthru' applies here as well, though I didn't write this
# function -- Dylan Araps did.
# [1]: #use-read-as-an-alternative-to-the-sleep-command
sleep() { # sleep SECONDS
read -rt "$1" <> <(:) || :
# MAIN BOLLUX DISPATCH FUNCTIONS ###############################################
# Main entry point into `bollux'.
# See the `if' block at the bottom of this script.
@ -251,10 +127,15 @@ bollux_config() {
if [ -f "$BOLLUX_CONFIG" ]; then
log debug "Loading config file '$BOLLUX_CONFIG'"
# Shellcheck gets mad when we try to source a file behind a
# variable -- it doesn't know where it is. This line ignores
# that warning, since the user can put $BOLLUX_CONFIG wherever.
# shellcheck disable=1090
log debug "Can't load config file '$BOLLUX_CONFIG'."
# It's an error if bollux can't find the config file, but I
# don't want to kill the program over it.
log error "Can't load config file '$BOLLUX_CONFIG'."
## behavior
@ -301,67 +182,185 @@ bollux_config() {
UC_BLANK=':?:' # internal use only, should be non-URL chars
# Load a URL.
# Initialize bollux state
bollux_init() {
# Trap `bollux_cleanup' on quit and exit
trap bollux_cleanup INT QUIT EXIT
# Trap `bollux_quit' on interrupt (C-c)
trap bollux_quit SIGINT
# Disable pathname expansion.
# It's very unlikely the user will want to navigate to a file when
# answering the GO prompt.
set -f
# Initialize state
# Other than $REDIRECTS, bollux's mutable state includes
# $BOLLUX_URL, but that's initialized elsewhere (possibly even by
# the user)
# History
# See also `history_append', `history_back', `history_forward'
declare -a HISTORY # history is kept in an array
HN=0 # position of history in the array
run mkdir -p "${BOLLUX_HISTFILE%/*}"
# Remove $BOLLUX_LESSKEY and re-generate keybindings (to catch rebinds)
run rm -f "$BOLLUX_LESSKEY"
# Cleanup on exit
bollux_cleanup() {
# Stubbed in case of need in future
# Exit with success, printing a fun message.
# I was feeling fancy when I named this function -- a more descriptive name
# would be 'bollux_goto' or something.
blastoff() { # blastoff [-u] URL
local u
# The default message is from the wonderful show "Cowboy Bebop."
bollux_quit() {
printf '\e[1m%s\e[0m:\t\e[3m%s\e[0m\n' "$PRGN" "$BOLLUX_BYEMSG"
# `blastoff' assumes a "well-formed" URL by default -- i.e., a URL with
# a protocol string and no extraneous whitespace. Since bollux can't
# trust the user to input a proper URL at a prompt, nor capsule authors
# to fully-form their URLs, so the -u flag is necessary for those
# use-cases. Otherwise, bollux knows the URL is well-formed -- or
# should be, due to the Gemini specification.
# UTILITY FUNCTIONS ############################################################
# Run a command, but log it first.
# See `log' for the available levels.
run() { # run COMMAND...
# I have to add a `trap' here for SIGINT to work properly.
trap bollux_quit SIGINT
LOG_FUNC=2 log debug "> $*"
# Log a message to stderr (&2).
# `log' in this script can take 3 different parameters: `d', `e', and `x', where
# `x' is any other string (though I usually use `x'), followed by the message to
# log. Most messages are either `d' (debug) level or `x' (diagnostic) level,
# meaning I want to show them all the time or only when bollux is called with
# `-v' (verbose). The levels are somewhat arbitrary, like I suspect all logging
# levels are, but you can read the rest of bollux to see what I've chosen to
# classify as what.
log() { # log LEVEL MESSAGE...
# 'QUIET' means don't log anything.
[[ "$BOLLUX_LOGLEVEL" == QUIET ]] && return
local fmt # ANSI escape code
case "$1" in
([dD]*) # Debug level -- only print if bollux -v.
[[ "$BOLLUX_LOGLEVEL" == DEBUG ]] || return
fmt=34 # Blue
([eE]*) # Error level -- always print.
fmt=31 # Red
(*) # Diagnostic level -- print unless QUIET.
fmt=1 # Bold
printf >&2 '\e[%sm%s:%-16s:\e[0m %s\n' \
"$fmt" "$PRGN" "${FUNCNAME[${LOG_FUNC:-1}]}" "$*"
# Exit with an error and a message describing it.
die() { # die EXIT_CODE MESSAGE
local exit_code="$1"
log error "$*"
exit "$exit_code"
# Trim leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
# [1]: #trim-leading-and-trailing-white-space-from-string
trim_string() { # trim_string STRING
: "${1#"${1%%[![:space:]]*}"}"
: "${_%"${_##*[![:space:]]}"}"
printf '%s\n' "$_"
# Cycle a variable in a list given a delimiter.
# e.g. 'list_cycle one,two,three ,' => 'two,three,one'
list_cycle() { # list_cycle LIST<string> DELIM
# I could've set up `list_cycle' to use an array instead of a delimited
# string, but the one variable this function is used for is
# T_PRE_DISPLAY, which is user-configurable. I wanted it to be as easy
# to configure for users who might not immediately know the bash array
# syntax, but can figure out 'variable=value' without much thought.
local list="${!1}" # Pass the list by name, not value
local delim="$2" # The delimiter of the string
local first="${list%%${delim}*}" # The first element
local rest="${list#*${delim}}" # The rest of the elements
# -v prints to the variable specified.
printf -v "$1" '%s%s%s' "${rest}" "${delim}" "${first}"
# Set the terminal title.
set_title() { # set_title TITLE...
printf '\e]2;%s\007' "$*"
# Prompt the user for input.
# This is a thin wrapper around `read', a bash built-in. Because of the
# way bollux messes around with stdin and stdout, I need to read directly from
# the TTY with this function.
prompt() { # prompt [-u] PROMPT [READ_ARGS...]
# `-e' gets the line "interactively", so it can see history and stuff
# `-r' reads a "raw" string, i.e., without backslash escaping
local read_cmd=(read -e -r)
if [[ "$1" == "-u" ]]; then
u="$(run uwellform "$2")"
# `-i TEXT' uses TEXT as the initial text for `read'
read_cmd+=(-i "$BOLLUX_URL")
local prompt="$1" # How to prompt the user
read_cmd+=(-p "$prompt> ")
"${read_cmd[@]}" </dev/tty "$@"
# After ensuring the URL is well-formed, `blastoff' needs to transform
# it according to the transform rules of RFC 3986 (see §5.2.2), which
# turns relative references into absolute references that bollux can use
# in its request to the server. That's followed by a check that the
# protocol is set, defaulting to Gemini if it isn't.
# Implementation detail: because Bash is really stupid when it comes to
# arrays, the URL functions u* (see below) work with an array defined
# with `local -a' and passed by name, not by value. Thus, the
# `urltransform url ...' instead of `urltransform "${url[@]}"' or
# similar. In addition, the `ucdef' and `ucset' functions take the name
# of the array element as parameters, not the element itself.
local -a url
run utransform url "$BOLLUX_URL" "$u"
if ! ucdef url[1]; then
run ucset url[1] "$BOLLUX_PROTO"
# Bash built-in replacement for `cat'
# One of the more pedantic bits of bollux (is 'pedantic' the right word?) --
# `cat' is more than likely installed on any system with bash, so this function
# is really just here so I can say that bollux is written as purely in bash as
# possible.
passthru() {
while IFS= read -r; do
printf '%s\n' "$REPLY"
# To try and keep `bollux' as extensible as possible, I've written it
# only to expect two functions for every protocol it supports:
# `x_request' and `x_response', where `x' is the name of the protocol
# (the first element of the built `url' array). `declare -F' looks only
# for functions in the current scope, failing if it doesn't exist.
# In between `x_request' and `x_response', `blastoff' normalizes the
# line endings to UNIX-style (LF) for ease of display.
if declare -F "${url[1]}_request" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
run "${url[1]}_request" "$url"
die 99 "No request handler for '${url[1]}'"
} | run normalize | {
if declare -F "${url[1]}_response" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
run "${url[1]}_response" "$url"
log d \
"No response handler for '${url[1]}';" \
" passing thru"
# Bash built-in replacement for `sleep'
# The commentary for `passthru' applies here as well, though I didn't write this
# function -- Dylan Araps did.
# [1]: #use-read-as-an-alternative-to-the-sleep-command
sleep() { # sleep SECONDS
read -rt "$1" <> <(:) || :
# Normalize files.
normalize() {
shopt -s extglob # for the printf call below
while IFS= read -r; do
# Normalize line endings to Unix-style (LF)
printf '%s\n' "${REPLY//$'\r'?($'\n')/}"
shopt -u extglob # reset 'extglob'
# URLS #########################################################################
@ -382,16 +381,16 @@ blastoff() { # blastoff [-u] URL
# trim whitespace.
# Useful for URLs that were probably input by humans.
uwellform() {
local u="$1"
uwellform() { # uwellform URL
local url="$1"
if [[ "$u" != *://* ]]; then
if [[ "$url" != *://* ]]; then
u="$(trim_string "$u")"
url="$(trim_string "$url")"
printf '%s\n' "$u"
printf '%s\n' "$url"
# Split a URL into its constituent parts, placing them all in the given array.
@ -406,58 +405,94 @@ uwellform() {
# takes the matched URL, splits it using the regex, then assigns each part to an
# element of the url array NAME by using `printf -v', which prints to a
# variable.
usplit() { # usplit NAME:ARRAY URL:STRING
usplit() { # usplit URL_ARRAY<name> URL
# Note: URL_ARRAY isn't assigned in `usplit', because it should
# already exist. Pass /only/ the name of URL_ARRAY to this
# function, not its contents.
local re='^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?'
[[ $2 =~ $re ]] || return $?
local u="$2"
[[ "$u" =~ $re ]] || {
log error "usplit: '$2' doesn't match '$re'"
return $?
# ShellCheck doesn't see that I'm using these variables in the `for'
# loop below, because I'm not technically using them /as/ variables, but
# as names to the variables. The ${!c} formation in the `printf' call
# below performs a reverse lookup on the name to get the actual data.
# shellcheck disable=2034
local url="${BASH_REMATCH[0]}" \
local entire_url="${BASH_REMATCH[0]}" \
scheme="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" \
authority="${BASH_REMATCH[4]}" \
path="${BASH_REMATCH[5]}" \
query="${BASH_REMATCH[7]}" \
# Iterate through the 5 components of a URL and assign them to elements
# of URL_ARRAY, as follows:
# 0=url 1=scheme 2=authority 3=path 4=query 5=fragment
local i=1 c
run printf -v "$1[0]" '%s' "$entire_url"
# This loop tests whether the component exists first -- if it
# doesn't, the special variable $UC_BLANK is used in the spot
# instead. Bash doesn't have a useful way of differentiating an
# /unset/ element of an array, versus an /empty/ element.
# The only exception is that 'path' component, which always exists
# in a URL (I think the simplest URL possible is '/', the empty
# path).
local i=1 # begin at 1 -- the full URL is [0].
for c in scheme authority path query fragment; do
if [[ "${!c}" || "$c" == path ]]; then
printf -v "$1[$i]" '%s' "${!c}"
run printf -v "$1[$i]" '%s' "${!c}"
printf -v "$1[$i]" '%s' "$UC_BLANK"
run printf -v "$1[$i]" '%s' "$UC_BLANK"
((i += 1))
printf -v "$1[0]" '%s' "$url"
# Join a URL array (NAME) back into a string.
ujoin() { # ujoin NAME:ARRAY
local -n U="$1"
# Join a URL array, split with `usplit', back into a string, assigning
# it to the 0th element of the array.
ujoin() { # ujoin URL_ARRAY<name>
# Here's the documentation for the '-n' flag:
# Give each name the nameref attribute, making it a name reference
# to another variable. That other variable is defined by the value of
# name. All references, assignments, and attribute modifications to
# name, except for those using or changing the -n attribute itself,
# are performed on the variable referenced by name's value. The
# nameref attribute cannot be applied to array variables.
# Pretty handy for passing-by-name! Except that last part -- "The
# nameref attribute cannot be applied to array variables." However,
# I've found a clever hack -- you can use 'printf -v' to print the
# value to the array element.
local -n URL_ARRAY="$1"
if ucdef U[1]; then
printf -v U[0] "%s:" "${U[1]}"
# For each possible URL component, check if it exists with `ucdef'.
# If it does, append it (with the correct component delimiter) to
if ucdef URL_ARRAY[1]; then
printf -v URL_ARRAY[0] "%s:" "${URL_ARRAY[1]}"
if ucdef U[2]; then
printf -v U[0] "${U[0]}//%s" "${U[2]}"
if ucdef URL_ARRAY[2]; then
printf -v URL_ARRAY[0] "${URL_ARRAY[0]}//%s" "${URL_ARRAY[2]}"
printf -v U[0] "${U[0]}%s" "${U[3]}"
# The path component is required.
printf -v URL_ARRAY[0] "${URL_ARRAY[0]}%s" "${URL_ARRAY[3]}"
if ucdef U[4]; then
printf -v U[0] "${U[0]}?%s" "${U[4]}"
if ucdef URL_ARRAY[4]; then
printf -v URL_ARRAY[0] "${URL_ARRAY[0]}?%s" "${URL_ARRAY[4]}"
if ucdef U[5]; then
printf -v U[0] "${U[0]}#%s" "${U[5]}"
if ucdef URL_ARRAY[5]; then
printf -v URL_ARRAY[0] "${URL_ARRAY[0]}#%s" "${URL_ARRAY[5]}"
log d "${U[0]}"
log d "${URL_ARRAY[0]}"
# `ucdef' checks whether a URL component is blank or not -- if a component
@ -466,26 +501,39 @@ ujoin() { # ujoin NAME:ARRAY
# not going to really be in a URL). I tried really hard to differentiate an
# unset array element from a simply empty one, but like, as far as I could tell,
# you can't do that in Bash.
ucdef() { # ucdef NAME
[[ "${!1}" != "$UC_BLANK" ]]
ucdef() { # ucdef COMPONENT<name>
local component="$1"
[[ "${!component}" != "$UC_BLANK" ]]
# `ucblank' determines whether a URL component is blank (""), as opposed to
# undefined.
ucblank() { # ucblank NAME
[[ -z "${!1}" ]]
ucblank() { # ucblank COMPONENT<name>
local component="$1"
[[ -z "${!component}" ]]
# `ucset' sets one component of a URL array and setting the 0th element to the
# new full URL. Use it instead of directly setting the array element with U[x],
# because U[0] will fall out of sync with the rest of the contents.
ucset() { # ucset NAME VALUE
run eval "${1}='$2'"
run ujoin "${1/\[*\]/}"
ucset() { # ucset URL_ARRAY_INDEX<name> NEW_VALUE
local url_array_component="$1" # Of form 'URL_ARRAY[INDEX]'
local value="$2"
# Assign $value to $url_array_component.
# Wrapped in an 'eval' for the extra layer of indirection.
run eval "${url_array_component}='$value'"
# Rejoin the URL_ARRAY with the changed value.
# The substitution here strips the array index subscript (i.e.,
# URL[4] => URL), passing the name of the full array to `ujoin'.
run ujoin "${url_array_component/\[*\]/}"
# [1]: encode a URL using percent-encoding.
uencode() { # uencode URL:STRING
# [1]: Encode a URL using percent-encoding.
uencode() { # uencode URL
local LC_ALL=C
for ((i = 0; i < ${#1}; i++)); do
: "${1:i:1}"
@ -497,14 +545,14 @@ uencode() { # uencode URL:STRING
printf '\n'
# [1]: decode a percent-encoded URL.
udecode() { # udecode URL:STRING
# [1]: Decode a percent-encoded URL.
udecode() { # udecode URL
: "${1//+/ }"
printf '%b\n' "${_//%/\\x}"
# Implement [2] § 5.2.4, "Remove Dot Segments"
pundot() { # pundot PATH:STRING
# Implement [2]: 5.2.4, "Remove Dot Segments".
pundot() { # pundot PATH
local input="$1"
local output
while [[ "$input" ]]; do
@ -527,28 +575,28 @@ pundot() { # pundot PATH:STRING
printf '%s\n' "${output//\/\//\//}"
# Implement [2] § 5.2.3, "Merge Paths"
pmerge() { # pmerge BASE:ARRAY REFERENCE:ARRAY
local -n b="$1"
local -n r="$2"
# Implement [2] Section 5.2.3, "Merge Paths".
pmerge() { # pmerge BASE_PATH<name> REFERENCE_PATH<name>
local -n base_path="$1"
local -n reference_path="$2"
if ucblank r[3]; then
printf '%s\n' "${b[3]//\/\//\//}"
if ucblank reference_path[3]; then
printf '%s\n' "${base_path[3]//\/\//\//}"
if ucdef b[2] && ucblank b[3]; then
printf '/%s\n' "${r[3]//\/\//\//}"
if ucdef base_path[2] && ucblank base_path[3]; then
printf '/%s\n' "${reference_path[3]//\/\//\//}"
local bp=""
if [[ "${b[3]}" == */* ]]; then
if [[ "${base_path[3]}" == */* ]]; then
printf '%s/%s\n' "${bp%/}" "${r[3]#/}"
printf '%s/%s\n' "${bp%/}" "${reference_path[3]#/}"
# `utransform' implements [2]6 § 5.2.2, "Transform Resources."
# `utransform' implements [2]6 Section 5.2.2, "Transform Resources."
# That section conveniently lays out a pseudocode algorithm describing how URL
# resources should be transformed from one to another. This function just
@ -624,19 +672,21 @@ utransform() { # utransform TARGET:ARRAY BASE:STRING REFERENCE:STRING
# Request a resource from a gemini server - see [3] §§ 2, 4.
# Request a resource from a gemini server - see [3] Sections 2, 4.
gemini_request() { # gemini_request URL
local -a url
usplit url "$1"
run usplit url "$1"
log debug "${url[@]}"
# Remove user info from the URL.
# URLs can technically be of the form <proto>://<user>:<pass>@<domain>
# (see [2], § 3.2, "Authority"). I don't know of any Gemini servers
# (see [2] Section 3.2, "Authority"). I don't know of any Gemini servers
# that use the <user> or <pass> parts, so `gemini_request' just strips
# them from the requested URL. This will need to be changed if servers
# decide to use this method of authentication.
ucset url[2] "${url[2]#*@}"
log debug "Removing user info from the URL"
run ucset url[2] "${url[2]#*@}"
# Determine the port to request.
@ -645,6 +695,7 @@ gemini_request() { # gemini_request URL
# port can be specified after the domain, separated with a colon. The
# user can also request a different default port, for whatever reason,
# by setting the variable $BOLLUX_GEMINI_PORT.
log debug "Determining the port to request"
local port
if [[ "${url[2]}" == *:* ]]; then
@ -680,7 +731,7 @@ gemini_request() { # gemini_request URL
run "${ssl_cmd[@]}" <<<"$url"
# Handle the gemini response - see [3] § 3.
# Handle the gemini response - see [3] Section 3.
gemini_response() { # gemini_response URL
local code meta # received on the first line of the response
local title # determined by a clunky heuristic, see read loop: (2*)
@ -705,7 +756,7 @@ gemini_response() { # gemini_response URL
log d "[$code] $meta"
# Branch depending on the status code. See [3], Appendix 1.
# Branch depending on the status code. See [3] Appendix 1.
# Notes:
# - All codes other than 3* (Redirects) reset the REDIRECTS counter.
@ -735,7 +786,7 @@ gemini_response() { # gemini_response URL
# This while loop reads through the file looking for a line
# starting with `#', which is a level-one heading in text/gemini
# (see [3], § 5). It assumes that the first such heading is the
# (see [3] Section 5). It assumes that the first such heading is the
# title of the page, and uses that title for the terminal title
# and for the history.
local pretitle
@ -771,7 +822,7 @@ gemini_response() { # gemini_response URL
# distinction. I'm not sure what the difference would be in
# practice, anyway.
# Per [4], bollux limits the number of redirects a page is
# Per [4] bollux limits the number of redirects a page is
# allowed to make (by default, five). Change `$BOLLUX_MAXREDIR'
# to customize that limit.
((REDIRECTS += 1))
@ -788,7 +839,7 @@ gemini_response() { # gemini_response URL
run blastoff "$meta" # TODO: confirm redirect
# Since the 4* codes ([3], Appendix 1) are all server issues,
# Since the 4* codes ([3] Appendix 1) are all server issues,
# bollux can treat them all basically the same. This is an area
# that could use some expansion.
local desc="Temporary error"
@ -862,7 +913,7 @@ gemini_response() { # gemini_response URL
gopher_request() { # gopher_request URL
local url="$1"
# [7] § 2.1
# [7] Section 2.1
[[ "$url" =~ gopher://([^/?#:]*)(:([0-9]+))?(/((.))?(/?.*))?$ ]]
local server="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" \
@ -881,7 +932,7 @@ gopher_request() { # gopher_request URL
# Handle a server response.
gopher_response() { # gopher_response URL
local url="$1" pre=false
# [7] § 2.1
# [7] Section 2.1
# Note that this duplicates the code in `gopher_request'. There might
# be a good way to thread this data through so that it's not computed
@ -896,7 +947,7 @@ gopher_response() { # gopher_response URL
# basically, each line in a gophermap starts with a character, its type,
# and then is followed by a series of tab-separated fields describing
# where that type is and how to display it. The full list of original
# line types can be found in [6] § 3.8, though the types have also been
# line types can be found in [6] Section 3.8, though the types have also been
# extended over the years. Since bollux can only display types that are
# text-ish, it only concerns itself with those in this case statement.
# All the others are simply downloaded.
@ -930,7 +981,7 @@ gopher_response() { # gopher_response URL
(*) # Anything else
# The list at [6] § 3.8 includes the following (noted where it
# The list at [6] Section 3.8 includes the following (noted where it
# might be good to differently handle them in the future):
# 2. Item is a CSO phone-book server *****
@ -955,7 +1006,7 @@ gopher_response() { # gopher_response URL
# Convert a gophermap naively to a gemini page.
# Based strongly on [8], but bash-ified. Due to the properties of link lines in
# Based strongly on [8] but bash-ified. Due to the properties of link lines in
# gemini, many of the item types in `gemini_reponse' can be linked to the proper
# protocol handlers here -- so if a user is trying to reach a TCP link through
# gopher, bollux won't have to handle it, for example.*
@ -1043,7 +1094,8 @@ gopher_convert() {
# display the fetched content
display() { # display METADATA [TITLE]
local -a less_cmd
local i mime charset
local mime charset
# split header line
local -a hdr
IFS=';' read -ra hdr <<<"$1"
@ -1156,16 +1208,6 @@ END
# normalize files
normalize() {
shopt -s extglob
while IFS= read -r; do
# normalize line endings
printf '%s\n' "${REPLY//$'\r'?($'\n')/}"
shopt -u extglob
# typeset a text/gemini document
typeset_gemini() {
local pre=false
@ -1411,7 +1453,7 @@ handle_keypress() { # handle_keypress CODE
run blastoff -u "$REPLY"
(54) # ` - change alt-text visibility and refresh
run cycle_list T_PRE_DISPLAY ,
run list_cycle T_PRE_DISPLAY ,
run blastoff "$BOLLUX_URL"
(55) # 55-57 -- still available for binding
@ -1457,7 +1499,19 @@ extract_links() {
# download $BOLLUX_URL
# Download a file.
# Any non-otherwise-handled MIME type will be downloaded using this function.
# It uses 'dd' to download the resource to a temporary file, then attempts to
# move it to $BOLLUX_DOWNDIR (by default, $PWD). If that's not possible (either
# because the target file already exists or the 'mv' invocation fails for some
# reason), `download' logs the error and alerts the user where the temporary
# file is saved.
# `download' works by reading the end of the pipe from `display', which means
# that sometimes, due to something with the way bash or while or ... something
# ... chunks the data, sometimes binary data gets corrupted. This is an area
# that requires more research.
download() {
log x "Downloading: '$BOLLUX_URL' => '$tn'..."
@ -1472,60 +1526,141 @@ download() {
# initialize bollux
bollux_init() {
# Trap cleanup
trap bollux_cleanup INT QUIT EXIT
# State
set -f
# History
declare -a HISTORY # history is kept in an array
HN=0 # position of history in the array
run mkdir -p "${BOLLUX_HISTFILE%/*}"
# Remove $BOLLUX_LESSKEY and re-generate keybindings (to catch rebinds)
run rm -f "$BOLLUX_LESSKEY"
# HISTORY #####################################################################
# While bollux saves history to a file ($BOLLUX_HISTFILE), it doesn't /do/
# anything with the history that's been saved. When I do implement the history
# functionality, it'll probably be on top of a file:// protocol, which will make
# it very simple to also implement bookmarks and the previewing of pages. In
# fact, I should be able to implement this change by the weekend (2021-03-07).
# clean up on exit
bollux_cleanup() {
# Stubbed in case of need in future
# append a URL to history
# Append a URL to history.
history_append() { # history_append URL TITLE
# date/time, url, title (best guess)
run printf '%(%FT%T)T\t%s\t%s\n' -1 "$1" "$2" >>"$BOLLUX_HISTFILE"
local url="$1"
local title="$2"
# Print the URL and its title (if given) to $BOLLUX_HISTFILE.
local fmt=''
fmt+='%(%FT%T)T\t' # %(_)T calls directly to 'strftime'.
if (( $# == 2 )); then
fmt+='%s\t' # $url
fmt+='%s\n' # $title
fmt+='%s%s\n' # printf needs a field for every argument.
run printf -- "$fmt" -1 "$url" "$title" >>"$BOLLUX_HISTFILE"
# Add the URL to the HISTORY array and increment the pointer.
((HN += 1))
# Update $BOLLUX_URL.
# move back in history (session)
# Move back in session history.
history_back() {
log d "HN=$HN"
# We need to subtract 2 from HN because it automatically increases by
# one with each call to `history_append'. If we subtract 1, we'll just
# be at the end of the array again, reloading the page.
((HN -= 2))
if ((HN < 0)); then
log e "Beginning of history."
return 1
run blastoff "${HISTORY[$HN]}"
# move forward in history (session)
# Move forward in session history.
history_forward() {
log d "HN=$HN"
if ((HN >= ${#HISTORY[@]})); then
log e "End of history."
return 1
run blastoff "${HISTORY[$HN]}"
# Load a URL.
# I was feeling fancy when I named this function -- a more descriptive name
# would be 'bollux_goto' or something.
blastoff() { # blastoff [-u] URL
local u
# `blastoff' assumes a "well-formed" URL by default -- i.e., a URL with
# a protocol string and no extraneous whitespace. Since bollux can't
# trust the user to input a proper URL at a prompt, nor capsule authors
# to fully-form their URLs, so the -u flag is necessary for those
# use-cases. Otherwise, bollux knows the URL is well-formed -- or
# should be, due to the Gemini specification.
if [[ "$1" == "-u" ]]; then
u="$(run uwellform "$2")"
# After ensuring the URL is well-formed, `blastoff' needs to transform
# it according to the transform rules of RFC 3986 (see Section 5.2.2), which
# turns relative references into absolute references that bollux can use
# in its request to the server. That's followed by a check that the
# protocol is set, defaulting to Gemini if it isn't.
# Implementation detail: because Bash is really stupid when it comes to
# arrays, the URL functions u* (see below) work with an array defined
# with `local -a' and passed by name, not by value. Thus, the
# `urltransform url ...' instead of `urltransform "${url[@]}"' or
# similar. In addition, the `ucdef' and `ucset' functions take the name
# of the array element as parameters, not the element itself.
local -a url
run utransform url "$BOLLUX_URL" "$u"
if ! ucdef url[1]; then
run ucset url[1] "$BOLLUX_PROTO"
# To try and keep `bollux' as extensible as possible, I've written it
# only to expect two functions for every protocol it supports:
# `x_request' and `x_response', where `x' is the name of the protocol
# (the first element of the built `url' array). `declare -F' looks only
# for functions in the current scope, failing if it doesn't exist.
# In between `x_request' and `x_response', `blastoff' normalizes the
# line endings to UNIX-style (LF) for ease of display.
if declare -F "${url[1]}_request" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
run "${url[1]}_request" "$url"
die 99 "No request handler for '${url[1]}'"
} | run normalize | {
if declare -F "${url[1]}_response" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
run "${url[1]}_response" "$url"
log d \
"No response handler for '${url[1]}';" \
" passing thru"
# $BASH_SOURCE is an array that stores the "stack" of source calls in bash. If
# the first element of that array is "bollux", that means the user called this
# script, instead of sourcing it. In that case, and ONLY in that case, should
# bollux actually enter the main loop of the program. Otherwise, allow the
# sourcing environment to simply source this script.
# This is basically the equivalent of python's 'if __name__ == "__main__":'
# block.
if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "$0" ]]; then
${DEBUG:-false} && set -x
run bollux "$@"