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#+title: Welcome to my Dotfiles!
#+author: joelchrono12
#+date: <2021-08-26 Thu>
* Highlights
These are some of the setups you might be more interested in:
- [[./stow_home/nvim/.config/nvim/][My neovim configuration]]
- [[./stow_home/spectrwm/.config/spectrwm/][My spectrwm setup]]
- [[./stow_home/dotstow/.local/bin/dotstow][My script to stow files automatically]]
* Yeah I finally did it!
I decided to configure ~GNU Stow~ to finally keep track of the dotfiles of the programs and applications I care about!
I am also deciding to give Doom Emacs another chance.
Feel free to take a look and take whatever you like to fit your needs!
** Wanna learn how to use stow?
I wrote a whole tutorial on how to set it up, check it out [[][in my blog]]!
* Apply this configuration
My configs are done using ~stow~, so you will need to install that program on your computer, just use the default package manager in your distro.
First clone this repository:
#+begin_src bash
git clone
Access the ~stow_home~ directory
#+begin_src bash
cd dotfiles/stow_home
If you want to import everything, run this line:
#+begin_src bash
stow -vt ~ *
To import a specific program's configuration, just do:
#+begin_src bash
stow -vt ~ name_of_program