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I've been keeping gemini protocol at my radar for some time now. It seemed like an interesting idea, but I was not sure if I wanted to take the (few minutes of) time to select and install a client and try it.

Then I did - it was one of those moments, when you realize that there is no way back (similar to when I first saw e.g. Linux).

I encourage you to try it. Here are a few reasons, but the main reason is, that you might just love it.

Reasons to use gemini:

  • It is so lovable!
  • Extremely simple text format
  • You can self-publish in seconds
  • You do not need CMS, Wordpress, Hugo, etc, etc. You do not even need hosting, in fact (tildeverse is there for you).
  • It could tap into the creative potential of the billions of internet users, that currently stay at the consumer site of internet.
  • So, I guess you get it already, it is real good!

How to browse gemini capsules

Gemini capsules are the gemini alternative to web pages.

You'd need a gemini client to browse them.

I use Lagrange.

It has a beautifully themed GUI and other nice features.

How to write Gemtext

Gemtext is the (exteremey simple) text format of gemini.

Here's a taste of it (in fact almost all of it):

# Almost all about Gemini

## The protocol superb

=> Start here

* Use it for your own good

* And for the benefit of all mankind!

How to have gemini capsule up and running

Get an account for a tildeverse server. Mine is on

Then just drop your gemtext files in your public_gemini directory at your tilde server. (Or follow similar simple instructions for your specific tilde server).

Alternatively, you could setup your own gemini server

You could follow the instructions in the concise and excellent article.


Hopefully, that gave you the motivation boost to go grab tildeverse server account now; drop there some beatiful gems of your writing and shine on!