CLI tool for collecting data from Lenovo XCC controllers
Updated 2022-06-28 17:27:10 +00:00
Python library and CLI for twtxt registries
Updated 2022-08-04 19:19:31 +00:00
mastodon toot client
Updated 2022-05-09 21:35:34 +00:00
[MIRROR] Asynchronous Python wrapper for Repology API
Updated 2024-04-26 07:53:15 +00:00
IRC client module in python
Updated 2022-03-20 18:42:41 +00:00
Python client to a public and undocumented UrbanTZ API
Updated 2022-08-04 19:17:32 +00:00
python can run code in zip archives (specifically ``) this is an attempt to build a CLI on top of that, allowing simpler operations (such as ls, cat, and copying files out of the archive)
Updated 2019-06-26 18:53:08 +00:00
An attempt at non-graphical QuakeWorld client written in Python.
Updated 2018-10-13 11:20:38 +00:00
An operating system written in python, meant to be used with the pclish shell.
Updated 2021-04-01 20:55:28 +00:00
PCLISH dev channel
Updated 2021-04-01 22:02:17 +00:00
Python Command Line Shell - A shell written in python
Updated 2021-04-01 20:55:14 +00:00
Python Command Line Shell - A shell written in python
Updated 2021-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
What launches the server and client components
Updated 2019-06-16 22:30:55 +00:00
client for Iris, a CLI forum for tilde-likes
Updated 2024-01-09 06:55:37 +00:00
Faux-IRCd to detect client versions through handshake behavior
Updated 2019-09-08 11:49:30 +00:00
The IRC component
Updated 2019-05-30 03:51:36 +00:00
IRC client for Babili
Updated 2020-03-11 22:53:33 +00:00
A CLI version of the popular children's game Hangman. Includes 20,000+ words!
Updated 2021-03-18 20:27:38 +00:00
A script for quickly coding powerful and extensible IRC bots by wrapping any ircII client in a Python class.
Updated 2021-06-23 19:36:48 +00:00
Minimal but usable interactive Gemini client in < 100 LOC of Python 3
Updated 2020-05-14 22:56:53 +00:00