Ported banterbot to pinhook framework and some other changes

This commit is contained in:
Russell 2019-01-25 11:16:19 -05:00
parent 0627b4a9e3
commit bc102890b2
39 changed files with 1629 additions and 507 deletions

View File

@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ alias pp='python -mjson.tool'
alias ttbp='~endorphant/bin/ttbp' alias ttbp='~endorphant/bin/ttbp'
alias vuln='find /home/ \! -type l -perm -o=w ! -iwholename '*.git*' 2> /dev/null' alias vuln='find /home/ \! -type l -perm -o=w ! -iwholename '*.git*' 2> /dev/null'
alias vulnc='vuln | sed "s/\/home\/\([^/]*\)\/.*/\1/g" | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr' alias vulnc='vuln | sed "s/\/home\/\([^/]*\)\/.*/\1/g" | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr'
alias chat='mesg n; /usr/local/bin/chat'

View File

@ -115,3 +115,5 @@ man() {
LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\e[1;32m' \ LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\e[1;32m' \
man "$@" man "$@"
} }

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ After=banterbot.service
[Service] [Service]
Type=simple Type=simple
ExecStart=/home/krowbar/Code/irc/banterbot.py -s -n banterbot -c #tildetown #bots ExecStart=/home/krowbar/Code/irc/banterbot.py -s -p 6667 -n banterbot -c #tildetown #bots
WorkingDirectory=/home/krowbar/Code/irc/ WorkingDirectory=/home/krowbar/Code/irc/
Restart=always Restart=always
RestartSec=5 RestartSec=5

.tracery/aphorism Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
"origin": ["#aphorism.capitalize#."],
"aphorism": [
"#adjective.a# #money# #continuanc# #verb.s# #direction#",
"#verb.a#ing #animal# #continuance# #verb.s#",
"#animal.a# in the #bodypart# is #preposition# #number# in the #plant#",
"#noun.a# is only as #adjective# as its #comparative# #noun#",
"#animal.a# is #person.a#'s #comparative# #relation#",
"#person.ae# and #pronoun_possessive# #money# are #adverb# #verb#ed",
"#adjective.a# #noun#is the of #comparative# #noun.s#",
"#person.a# in #verb# is #person.a# #adverb#",
"#comparative.a# #noun# makes #comparative.a# #noun#",
"#person.a# of #adjective# #noun.s# is #person# of #adjective#",
"#noun.a# #preposition# #verb#ing is #preposition# #verb#ing #adverb#",
"#comparative.a# #noun# is a #adjective# thing",
"#person.a# is known by the #person# #pronoun# #verb.s#",
"#person.a# with #number# #noun# knows what #noun# it is. #person.a.capitalize# with #number# #noun.s# is #continuance# #adjective#",
"#person.a#'s #noun# is #pronoun_possessive# #noun#",
"#noun.a# is as #comparative# as #distance.a#",
"#adjective.a# #noun# #verb.s# #adjective#",
"#noun.a# is as #adjective# as #noun.a# to #adjective.a# #person#",
"#money.a# #verb#ed is #money.a# #verb#ed",
"#location.a# for everything and everything in its #location#",
"#verb.a#ing #noun# #verb.s# #adjective# #noun.s#",
"#noun.a# by any other #noun# would #verb# as #adjective#",
"#adjective.a# #noun# #verb#eth #direction# #noun#",
"#noun.a# in #noun# #verb.s# #number#",
"#noun.a# of #noun# is a #noun# #adverb#",
"#verb.a#ed #noun# #adverb# #verb.s#",
"#person.a#'s #noun# is in the #location#",
"#person.a#'s #noun# is #adverb# done.",
"#noun.a# to the #adjective# is #adjective#",
"#noun# #verb.s# the #noun# #verb# #adjective#",
"#noun.s# #verb# #adjective# than #noun.s#",
"#adjective# for #number# and #number# for #adjective#",
"#adjective# that #verb.s# is not #noun#",
"#adjective# the #location#'s a #noun#",
"#adjective# #noun.s# #verb# to #pronoun# who #verb.s#",
"#adjective# we #verb# from #noun# is that we #verb# #adverb# from #noun#",
"#adjective# #noun# and #adjective# #noun# #verb.s# #person.capitalize# #adjective.a# #noun#",
"#adjective#'s #adjective# in #noun# and #noun#",
"#adjective#'s #adverb# that #verb.s# #adverb#"
"adjective": [
"adverb": [
"animal": [
"bodypart": [
"comparative": [
"continuance": [
"direction": [
"distance": [
"location": [
"money": [
"noun": [
"number": [
"person": [
"plant": [
"preposition": [
"pronoun": [
"pronoun_possessive": [
"relation": [
"verb": [
"todo": [
"Always cut the cards.",
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away.",
"An army marches on its stomach.",
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.",
"Any port in a storm.",
"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.",
"Appearances can be deceiving.",
"April showers bring May flowers.",
"As you sow, so shall you reap.",
"Ask a silly question and you'll get a silly answer.",
"Ask and it shall be given.",
"Ask and you shall receive.",
"Ask no questions and hear no lies.",
"Bad news travels fast.",
"Barking dogs seldom bite.",
"Be careful you don't go from the frying pan into the fire.",
"Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.",
"Be not penny wise and pound foolish.",
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.",
"Beauty is only skin deep.",
"Before you judge a man, you should walk a mile in his shoes.",
"Beggars can't be choosers.",
"Behind every successful man is a woman.",
"Better late than never.",
"Better safe than sorry.",
"Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.",
"Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.",
"Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.",
"Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.",
"Birds of a feather flock together.",
"Blood is thicker than water.",
"Boys will be boys.",
"Brevity is the soul of wit.",
"Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door.",
"Business before pleasure.",
"Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.",
"Carpe diem ... seize the day.",
"Cast your bread upon the water, and it will be returned a hundred-fold.",
"Chickens will come home to roost.",
"Children should be seen and not heard.",
"Cleanliness is next to godliness.",
"Cold hands, warm heart.",
"Common sense is not so common.",
"Cream always rises to the top.",
"Crime does not pay.",
"Discretion is the better part of valor.",
"Do as I say, not as I do.",
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.",
"Don't bite off more than you can chew.",
"Don't bite the hand that feeds you.",
"Don't burn the candle at both ends.",
"Don't burn your bridges behind you.",
"Don't change horses in midstream.",
"Don't close the barn door after the horse runs away.",
"Don't count your chickens before they hatch.",
"Don't cry over spilt milk.",
"Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.",
"Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes.",
"Don't foul your own nest.",
"Don't give up the ship.",
"Don't hide your light under a bushel.",
"Don't judge a book by its cover.",
"Don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.",
"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.",
"Don't make mountains out of molehills.",
"Don't put all your eggs in one basket.",
"Don't put the cart before the horse.",
"Don't shoot the messenger.",
"Don't speak ill of the dead.",
"Don't spit into the wind.",
"Don't take any wooden nickels.",
"Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.",
"Don't throw pearls before swine.",
"Doubt is the beginning, not the end, of wisdom.",
"Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.",
"Easier said than done.",
"East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.",
"East or West, home is best.",
"Easy come, easy go.",
"Eat to live, don't live to eat.",
"Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.",
"Even a broken clock is right twice a day.",
"Every cloud has a silver lining.",
"Every dog has his day.",
"Every man has a price.",
"Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.",
"Expect the unexpected.",
"Experience is the best teacher.",
"Faith will move mountains.",
"Familiarity breeds contempt.",
"Feed a cold, starve a fever.",
"Finders keepers, losers weepers.",
"First come, first served.",
"Flattery will get you nowhere.",
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.",
"For want of a nail, a kingdom was lost.",
"Forewarned is forearmed.",
"Forgive and forget.",
"Forgive them, for they know not what they do.",
"Frailty, thy name is woman!",
"From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step.",
"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.",
"Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.",
"Give a man a fish and he eats for one night. Teach him how and he eats for life.",
"Give him an inch and he'll take a mile.",
"Give him enough rope and he'll hang himself.",
"Give me liberty, or give me death.",
"Give the devil his due.",
"God helps those who help themselves.",
"Good fences make good neighbors.",
"Good gifts come in small packages.",
"Great minds think alike.",
"Great oaks from little acorns grow.",
"Grin and bear it.",
"Half a loaf is better than none.",
"Handsome is as handsome does.",
"Haste makes waste.",
"He that is not with me is against me.",
"He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.",
"He who hesitates is lost.",
"He who laughs last, laughs best.",
"He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.",
"He who pays the piper calls the tune.",
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.",
"Here today, gone tomorrow.",
"History repeats itself.",
"Hitch your wagon to a star.",
"Home is where the heart is.",
"Honesty is the best policy.",
"Hope springs eternal in the human breast.",
"Hunger is the best sauce.",
"I think, therefore I am.",
"Idle hands are the devil's workshop.",
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.",
"If it's not broke, don't fix it.",
"If it's not one thing, it's another.",
"If the mountain won't come to Mohammed, then Mohammed will go to the mountain.",
"If the shoe fits, wear it.",
"If wishes were fishes then no man would starve.",
"If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.",
"If you can't beat them, join them.",
"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.",
"If you do what you've always done you'll get what you've always got.",
"If you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.",
"If you snooze, you lose.",
"Ignorance is bliss.",
"Ignoriance of the law is no excuse for breaking it.",
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.",
"In for a penny, in for a pound.",
"In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.",
"In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.",
"It never rains but it pours.",
"It takes a thief to catch a thief.",
"It takes two to tango.",
"It'll all come out in the wash.",
"It's an ill wind that blows no good.",
"It's every man for himself.",
"It's never too late to mend.",
"It's no use beating a dead horse.",
"It's not over till it's over.",
"It's not over until the fat lady sings.",
"It's not the heat, it's the humidity.",
"It's not the knowing that is difficult, but the doing.",
"It's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game.",
"It's the empty can that makes the most noise.",
"It's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease.",
"It's time to fish or cut bait.",
"Keep a stiff upper lip.",
"Keep your eyes peeled.",
"Keep your fingers crossed.",
"Keep your head above water.",
"Keep your nose to the grindstone.",
"Keep your powder dry.",
"Know thyself.",
"Know which side your bread is buttered on.",
"Knowledge is power.",
"Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.",
"Laughter is the best medicine.",
"Leave no stone unturned.",
"Leave well enough alone.",
"Let bygones be bygones.",
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.",
"Let nature takes its course.",
"Let sleeping dogs lie.",
"Let's cross the bridge when we come to it.",
"Life is short, art is long.",
"Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.",
"Little pitchers have big ears.",
"Little strokes fell great oaks.",
"Live and learn.",
"Live and let live.",
"Live every day as if it were your last.",
"Look before you leap.",
"Love conquers all.",
"Love is blind.",
"Love makes the world go 'round.",
"Make a virtue of necessity.",
"Make haste slowly.",
"Make hay while the sun shines.",
"Man cannot live by bread alone.",
"Man proposes, God disposes.",
"Many are called but few are chosen.",
"Many hands make light work.",
"Marry in haste, repent at leisure.",
"Might makes right.",
"Mind your P's and Q's.",
"Misery loves company.",
"Money isn't everything.",
"Murder will out.",
"Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast.",
"Nature abhors a vacuum.",
"Necessity is the mother of invention.",
"Never give a sucker an even break.",
"Never judge a book by its cover.",
"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.",
"Never say die.",
"No good deed goes unrewarded.",
"No man can serve two masters.",
"No man is an island.",
"No news is good news.",
"No pain, no gain.",
"Nothing is certain but death and taxes.",
"Nothing succeeds like success.",
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained.",
"Oil and water don't mix.",
"Old habits die hard.",
"Once bitten, twice shy.",
"One good turn deserves another.",
"One man's loss is another man's gain.",
"One man's meat is another man's poison.",
"One picture is worth a thousand words.",
"One rotten apple spoils the barrel.",
"Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.",
"Opportunity never knocks twice.",
"Opposites attract.",
"Out of sight, out of mind.",
"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.",
"Politics makes strange bedfellows.",
"Possession is nine-tenths of the law.",
"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.",
"Practice makes perfect.",
"Practice what you preach.",
"Pride goeth before a fall.",
"Procrastination is the thief of time.",
"Rats desert a sinking ship.",
"Revenge is a dish best eaten cold.",
"Revenge is sweet.",
"Rome wasn't built in a day.",
"Seeing is believing.",
"Seek and ye shall find.",
"Share and share alike.",
"Silence is golden.",
"Sink or swim.",
"Slow but steady wins the race.",
"Spare the rod and spoil the child.",
"Still waters run deep.",
"Stone walls do not a prison make.",
"Strike while the iron is hot.",
"Take the bitter with the sweet.",
"Take the bull by the horns.",
"That's life.",
"That's the way the ball bounces.",
"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.",
"The bad workman always blames his tools.",
"The best things in life are free.",
"The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.",
"The bigger they come, the harder they fall.",
"The burnt child shuns the fire.",
"The child is the father of the man.",
"The course of true love never did run smooth.",
"The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.",
"The early bird gets the worm.",
"The end justifies the means.",
"The eyes are the windows to the soul.",
"The grass is always greener on the other side.",
"The hotter the battle, the sweeter the victory.",
"The leopard cannot change its spots.",
"The longest journey begins with but a single footstep.",
"The love of money is the root of all evil.",
"The meek shall inherit the earth.",
"The more the merrier.",
"The more things change, the more they stay the same.",
"The pen is mightier than sword.",
"The quality of mercy is not strained.",
"The proof of the pudding is in the eating.",
"The race isn't always to the swift, nor the fight to the strong, but that's the way to bet.",
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.",
"The sea refuses no river.",
"The show must go on.",
"The truth will out.",
"The teacher appears when the student is ready.",
"The turtle only makes progress when it sticks its neck out.",
"The walls have ears.",
"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.",
"The wish is father of the deed.",
"There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.",
"There are plenty of fish in the sea.",
"There are old soldiers, and bold soldiers, but there are no old, bold soldiers.",
"There are two sides to every question.",
"There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so.",
"There's a first time for everything.",
"There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip.",
"There's method in his madness.",
"There's more than one way to skin a cat.",
"There's no accounting for taste.",
"There's no defense like a good offense.",
"There's no disputing about taste.",
"There's no fool like an old fool.",
"There's no place like home.",
"There's no rest for the wicked.",
"There's no such thing as a free lunch.",
"There's nothing new under the sun.",
"There's something rotten in Denmark.",
"There, but for the grace of God, go I.",
"Things aren't always what they seem.",
"This too shall pass.",
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.",
"Time and tide wait for no man.",
"Time heals all wounds.",
"Time is money.",
"Time is of the essence.",
"To err is human, to forgive divine.",
"Too many cooks spoil the broth.",
"Truth is stranger than fiction.",
"Turn the other cheek.",
"Turnabout is fair play.",
"Two heads are better than one.",
"Two wrongs don't make a right.",
"Two's company, three's a crowd.",
"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.",
"Variety is the spice of life.",
"Waste not, want not.",
"Water seeks its own level.",
"Well begun is half done.",
"We're too soon old and too late smart.",
"What can't be cured must be endured.",
"What goes around, comes around.",
"What goes up, must come down.",
"What will be, will be.",
"What's good for the goose is good for the gander.",
"When all you have are lemons, make lemonade.",
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do.",
"When it rains, it pours.",
"When the cat's away, the mice will play.",
"When the going gets tough, the tough get going.",
"When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.",
"Where there's a will, there's a way.",
"Where there's smoke, there's fire.",
"While there's life, there's hope.",
"Who pays the piper calls the tune.",
"Winners never quit and quitters never win.",
"You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.",
"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.",
"You can kill a man but you can't kill an idea.",
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.",
"You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy.",
"You can't fight city hall.",
"You can't fit a round peg in a square hole.",
"You can't get the toothpaste back in the tube.",
"You can't go home again.",
"You can't have your cake and eat it too.",
"You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.",
"You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.",
"You can't squeeze blood from a turnip.",
"You can't take it with you.",
"You can't teach an old dog new tricks.",
"You can't tell a book by its cover.",
"You can't unring a bell.",
"You can't unscramble an egg.",
"You don't get something for nothing.",
"You get what you pay for.",
"You have to take the bitter with the sweet.",
"You have to take the good with the bad.",
"You made your bed, now lie in it.",
"You need to stop to smell the roses.",
"You need to take a bull by the horns, and a man by his word.",
"You pays your money and you takes your choice.",
"You're never too old to learn."

.tracery/guid Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"origin": ["#guid#"],
"guid": ["#eightchar#-#fourchar#-#fourchar#-#twelvechar#"],
"fourchar": ["#char##char##char##char#"],
"eightchar": ["#fourchar##fourchar#"],
"twelvechar": ["#eightchar##fourchar#"],
"char": ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0","a","b","c","d","e","f"]

.tracery/mission Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"origin": ["#prefix##mission.capitalize#"],
"adj": ["Ancient","Bold","Breaking","Brightest","Brilliant","Crescent","Dark|Darkness","Darkest|Darkness","Desert|Desert","Eternal","Evening|Darkness","Final","First","Forever","Giant|Giant","Glorious|Glory","Joyful|Joy","July","Last","Liberty|Liberty","Magic|Magic","Morning|Morning","Power|Power","Phantom","Present","Righteous","Roaring|Roar|Scream","Rolling","Sand","Screaming|Roar|Scream","Silent","Sleeping","Soaring","Standing|Stand","Star|Star","Stunning","Super","Thunderous|Thunder","Twisted","Urgent","Utopian","Valiant"],
"noun": ["Action","Alert","Bane","Beauty","Claw","Darkness","Dawn","Day","Defense","Desert","Envy","Fall","Fist","Flight","Fury","Guard","Glory","Hammer","Hand","Honor","Hope","Hunt","Hurricane","Joy","Liberty","Light","Lightning","Magic","Morning","October","Power","Rain","Response","Repose","Roar","Scream","Skull","Sky","Skies","Shield","Shout","Stand","Star","Storm","Streak","Strike","Sun","Thunder","Victory","Whisper","Wind","Wrath"],
"color": ["Black","Blue","Brown","Golden","Gray","Green","Indego","Orange","Purple","Rainbow","Red","Scarlet","Silver","Violet","White","Yellow"],
"actor": ["Cobra","Condor","Dragon","Eagle","Giant","Guardian","Hawk","Hydra","Jackal","King","Knight","Lady","Lion","Scorpion","Spartan","Stranger","Titan","Victor","Viking","Warrior"],
"prefix": [
"Operation ",
"Project ",
"Code: "
"mission": [
"#adj# #noun#",
"#adj# #actor#",
"#color# #noun#",
"#color# #actor#",
"#actor#'s #noun#",
"#noun# of the #actor#",
"#actor# of the #noun#",
"#noun# of #noun#",
"#noun# of #color# #noun#",
"#adj# #noun# and #adj# #noun#",
"Attack of the #actor.s#",
"Return of the #actor.s#",
"The #actor# Awakens"

View File

@ -1,32 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/python3 #!/usr/bin/python3
# using python3 because of unicode and crap
# http://wiki.shellium.org/w/Writing_an_IRC_bot_in_Python
# Import some necessary libraries.
import argparse import argparse
import socket from pinhook.bot import Bot
import os
import sys
import fileinput
import random
import re
import subprocess
import textwrap
import time
import datetime
import inflect
from rhymesWith import getRhymes
from rhymesWith import rhymeZone
from defineWord import defWord
import welch
import evil
import tumblr
import xkcdApropos
import wikiphilosophy
import acronymFinder
import util
from whosaid import whoSaid
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
@ -34,10 +9,19 @@ parser.add_argument(
"-s", "-s",
"--server", "--server",
dest="server", dest="server",
default="", default="",
help="the server to connect to", help="the server to connect to",
metavar="SERVER", metavar="SERVER",
) )
help="the port to connect to",
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"-c", "-c",
"--channels", "--channels",
@ -65,370 +49,16 @@ parser.add_argument(
) )
args = parser.parse_args() args = parser.parse_args()
p = inflect.engine() bot = Bot(
channels = args.channels,
def hello(): nickname = args.nick,
util.sendmsg(ircsoc, channel, "Hello!") ops = [ args.owner ],
plugin_dir = "{}_plugins".format(args.nick),
server = args.server,
def score_banter(channel, user, messageText): port = args.port
score = 5
with open("banterscores.txt", "r") as banterfile:
bantz = banterfile.readlines()
words = messageText.strip("\n").split(" ")
for word in words:
for bant in bantz:
bword = bant.strip("\n").split("|")
if re.sub("[^a-z0-9]+", "", word.lower()) == bword[0]:
score += int(bword[1])
score += messageText.count("!") * 2 # hype is banter
score -= messageText.count("!!!") * 6 # too much hype is not banter
score += messageText.count("#") * 3 # hashs are mad bantz
score -= messageText.count("##") * 6 # but too many is garbage
names = ["mate", "lad", "my best boy"]
compliment = [
msg = ""
if score > 100:
msg = "Truely {}, {}! That was some #banter! You earned a {} for that!".format(
random.choice(compliment).capitalize(), random.choice(names), score
elif score > 50:
msg = "{} #banter! You get a {} from me!".format(
random.choice(compliment).capitalize(), score
elif score > 10:
msg = "{} #banter. You get a {}".format(
random.choice(["acceptible", "reasonable", "passable"]).capitalize(), score
msg = "That {} #banter, {}. I'll give you a {}. Maybe try again?".format(
["was hardly", "was barely", "wasn't", "won't pass for", "was awful"]
random.choice(["lad", "lah", "boy", ""]),
) )
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, msg) if __name__ == "__main__":
def get_new_banter(channel, user):
with open("/usr/share/dict/words", "r") as dict:
words = list(filter(lambda word: re.search(r"^[^']*$", word), dict.readlines()))
if random.randint(0, 1): # look for *ant words
words = list(filter(lambda word: re.search(r"ant", word), words))
word = words[0].strip("\n")
start = word.find("ant")
if start == 0:
word = "b" + word
if "aeiou".find(word[start]) > -1: # just append a 'b'
word = word[:start] + "b" + word[start:]
else: # replace the letter with 'b'
word = word[: start - 1] + "b" + word[start:]
else: # look for ban* words
words = list(filter(lambda word: re.search(r"ban", word), words))
word = words[0].strip("\n")
end = word.find("ban") + 3
if end == len(word):
word = word + "t"
if "aeiou".find(word[end]) > -1: # just append 't'
word = word[:end] + "t" + word[end:]
else: # replace the letter with 'b'
word = word[:end] + "t" + word[end + 1 :]
ircsock, channel, "{} : Here, why don't you try '{}'?".format(user, word)
def get_rhymes(channel, user, text):
word = ""
if len(text.split(" ")) > 1:
word = text.split(" ")[1]
with open("/home/nossidge/poems/words_poetic.txt", "r") as words:
word = random.choice(words.readlines()).strip("\n")
rhymes = rhymeZone(word)
if len(rhymes) == 0:
"{}: Couldn't find anything that rhymes with '{}' :(".format(user, word),
"{}: Here, these words rhyme with '{}': {}".format(
user, word, ", ".join(rhymes)
def define_word(channel, user, text):
word = ""
defs = []
if len(text.split(" ")) > 1:
word = text.split(" ")[1]
defs = defWord(word)
if len(defs) == 0:
"{}: Couldn't find the definition of '{}' :(".format(user, word),
elif isinstance(defs, list):
for entry in defs:
ircsock, channel, "{} : Define '{}' {}".format(user, word, entry[0:400])
ircsock, channel, "{} : Define '{}' {}".format(user, word, defs[0:400])
def make_rainbow(channel, user, text):
rbword = util.makeRainbow(text[9:])
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, rbword)
def get_welch(channel):
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, welch.get_thing()[0:400])
def get_evil(channel):
evilThing = evil.get_thing()
for line in [evilThing[i : i + 400] for i in range(0, len(evilThing), 400)]:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, line)
def get_tumble(url, channel):
tumble = tumblr.tumble(url)
for line in [tumble[i : i + 400] for i in range(0, len(tumble), 400)]:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, line)
def get_xkcd(channel, text):
links = xkcdApropos.xkcd(text[6:])
joined_links = ", ".join(links)
for line in [joined_links[i : i + 400] for i in range(0, len(joined_links), 400)]:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, line)
def get_wphilosophy(channel, text):
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, "Ok, give me a minute while I look up '{}'".format(text))
steps = wikiphilosophy.get_philosophy_lower(text)
if not steps:
ircsock, channel, "Couldn't find a wikipedia entry for {}".format(text)
joined_steps = " > ".join(steps)
if steps[-1] == "Philosophy":
joined_steps += "!!!"
for line in [
joined_steps[i : i + 400] for i in range(0, len(joined_steps), 400)
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, line)
def figlet(channel, text):
if not text:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, "No text given. :(")
lines = subprocess.Popen(
["figlet", "-w140"] + text.split(" "), shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE
for line in lines.split("\n"):
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, line)
time.sleep(0.4) # to avoid channel throttle due to spamming
def toilet(channel, text):
if not text:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, "No text given. :(")
lines = subprocess.Popen(
["toilet", "-w140", "--irc"] + text.split(" "),
for line in lines.split("\n"):
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, line)
time.sleep(0.4) # to avoid channel throttle due to spamming
def get_acronym(channel, text):
if not text:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, "No text given :(")
defs = acronymFinder.get_acros(text, True, True)
for d in defs[0:5]: # only the first five. they are already sorted by 'score'
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, d)
if len(defs) > 5:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, defs[-1])
def get_whosaid(channel, text):
if not text:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, " :No text given :(")
result = whoSaid(text)
date = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(result["timecutoff"])
dateStr = date.strftime("%B %d")
if not result["data"]:
msg = "Nobody said '%s' since %s" % (text, dateStr)
msg = "Since %s, %s said '%s' %d times" % (
if len(result["data"]) > 1:
msg += " and %s said it %d times" % (
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, msg)
def get_notice(user, channel):
util.notice(ircsock, user, channel, "Notice me senpai!")
def get_water(user, channel, msg, botnick):
if msg.find(botnick) == 0:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, "Fight me, {}!".format(user))
def mug_off(channel):
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, "u want some of this, m8?")
def rollcall(channel):
text = """
U wot m8? I score all the top drawer #banter and #bantz on this channel! / Find new top-shelf banter with !newbanter, !rhymes, and !define.
Look up things with !acronym and !whosaid / Make your chatter #legend with !rainbow, !toilet, and !figlet.
Find interesting things with !xkcd and !wiki-philosophy / Get jokes with !welch !evil !kjp and !help
for line in textwrap.dedent(text).split("\n"):
if line == "":
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, line)
def listen(botnick):
while 1: # loop forever
ircmsg = ircsock.recv(2048).decode('utf-8')
for msg in ircmsg.split("\n"):
msg = msg.strip("\n\r")
if msg[:4] == "PING":
util.ping(ircsock, msg)
formatted = util.format_message(msg)
if "" == formatted:
_time, user, _command, channel, messageText = formatted.split("\t")
if messageText.find("#banter") != -1 or messageText.find("#bantz") != -1:
score_banter(channel, user, messageText)
if messageText.startswith("!newbanter"):
get_new_banter(channel, user)
if messageText.startswith("!rhymes"):
get_rhymes(channel, user, messageText)
if messageText.startswith("!define"):
define_word(channel, user, messageText)
if messageText.startswith("!rainbow"):
make_rainbow(channel, user, messageText)
if messageText.startswith("!welch"):
if messageText.startswith("!evil"):
if messageText.startswith("!kjp"):
get_tumble("http://kingjamesprogramming.tumblr.com", channel)
if messageText.startswith("!help"):
get_tumble("http://thedoomthatcametopuppet.tumblr.com", channel)
if messageText.startswith("!xkcd"):
get_xkcd(channel, messageText)
if messageText.startswith("!wiki-philosophy"):
get_wphilosophy(channel, messageText[17:])
if messageText.startswith("!figlet"):
figlet(channel, messageText[8:])
if messageText.startswith("!toilet"):
toilet(channel, messageText[8:])
if messageText.startswith("!acronym"):
get_acronym(channel, messageText[9:])
if messageText.startswith("!whosaid"):
get_whosaid(channel, messageText[9:])
if messageText.startswith("!notice"):
get_notice(user, channel)
if messageText.startswith("!water"):
get_water(user, channel, messageText[7:], botnick)
if messageText.startswith("!rollcall"):
if messageText.startswith(botnick + ":"):
if messageText.startswith("!join") and user == args.owner:
util.joinchan(ircsock, messageText[6:])
if messageText.startswith("!part") and user == args.owner:
util.part(ircsock, messageText[6:])
if messageText.startswith("!quit") and user == args.owner:
util.quit(ircsock, "Later chumps!")
# ROOT: i commented this out until it stops pegging the CPU.
# ~krowbar: this has the same logic loop as tildebot but for whatever reason
# it is banterbot that gets booted from IRC then rage-thrashes the machine
ircsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
util.connect(ircsock, args)

Code/irc/banterbot_legacy.py Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
# using python3 because of unicode and crap
# http://wiki.shellium.org/w/Writing_an_IRC_bot_in_Python
# Import some necessary libraries.
import argparse
import socket
import os
import sys
import fileinput
import random
import re
import subprocess
import textwrap
import time
import datetime
import inflect
from rhymesWith import getRhymes
from rhymesWith import rhymeZone
from defineWord import defWord
import welch
import evil
import tumblr
import xkcdApropos
import wikiphilosophy
import acronymFinder
import util
from whosaid import whoSaid
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="the server to connect to",
help="the channels to join",
help="the nick to use",
help="the owner of this bot",
args = parser.parse_args()
p = inflect.engine()
def hello():
util.sendmsg(ircsoc, channel, "Hello!")
def score_banter(channel, user, messageText):
score = 5
with open("banterscores.txt", "r") as banterfile:
bantz = banterfile.readlines()
words = messageText.strip("\n").split(" ")
for word in words:
for bant in bantz:
bword = bant.strip("\n").split("|")
if re.sub("[^a-z0-9]+", "", word.lower()) == bword[0]:
score += int(bword[1])
score += messageText.count("!") * 2 # hype is banter
score -= messageText.count("!!!") * 6 # too much hype is not banter
score += messageText.count("#") * 3 # hashs are mad bantz
score -= messageText.count("##") * 6 # but too many is garbage
names = ["mate", "lad", "my best boy"]
compliment = [
msg = ""
if score > 100:
msg = "Truely {}, {}! That was some #banter! You earned a {} for that!".format(
random.choice(compliment).capitalize(), random.choice(names), score
elif score > 50:
msg = "{} #banter! You get a {} from me!".format(
random.choice(compliment).capitalize(), score
elif score > 10:
msg = "{} #banter. You get a {}".format(
random.choice(["acceptible", "reasonable", "passable"]).capitalize(), score
msg = "That {} #banter, {}. I'll give you a {}. Maybe try again?".format(
["was hardly", "was barely", "wasn't", "won't pass for", "was awful"]
random.choice(["lad", "lah", "boy", ""]),
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, msg)
def get_new_banter(channel, user):
with open("/usr/share/dict/words", "r") as dict:
words = list(filter(lambda word: re.search(r"^[^']*$", word), dict.readlines()))
if random.randint(0, 1): # look for *ant words
words = list(filter(lambda word: re.search(r"ant", word), words))
word = words[0].strip("\n")
start = word.find("ant")
if start == 0:
word = "b" + word
if "aeiou".find(word[start]) > -1: # just append a 'b'
word = word[:start] + "b" + word[start:]
else: # replace the letter with 'b'
word = word[: start - 1] + "b" + word[start:]
else: # look for ban* words
words = list(filter(lambda word: re.search(r"ban", word), words))
word = words[0].strip("\n")
end = word.find("ban") + 3
if end == len(word):
word = word + "t"
if "aeiou".find(word[end]) > -1: # just append 't'
word = word[:end] + "t" + word[end:]
else: # replace the letter with 'b'
word = word[:end] + "t" + word[end + 1 :]
ircsock, channel, "{} : Here, why don't you try '{}'?".format(user, word)
def get_rhymes(channel, user, text):
word = ""
if len(text.split(" ")) > 1:
word = text.split(" ")[1]
with open("/home/nossidge/poems/words_poetic.txt", "r") as words:
word = random.choice(words.readlines()).strip("\n")
rhymes = rhymeZone(word)
if len(rhymes) == 0:
"{}: Couldn't find anything that rhymes with '{}' :(".format(user, word),
"{}: Here, these words rhyme with '{}': {}".format(
user, word, ", ".join(rhymes)
def define_word(channel, user, text):
word = ""
defs = []
if len(text.split(" ")) > 1:
word = text.split(" ")[1]
defs = defWord(word)
if len(defs) == 0:
"{}: Couldn't find the definition of '{}' :(".format(user, word),
elif isinstance(defs, list):
for entry in defs:
ircsock, channel, "{} : Define '{}' {}".format(user, word, entry[0:400])
ircsock, channel, "{} : Define '{}' {}".format(user, word, defs[0:400])
def make_rainbow(channel, user, text):
rbword = util.makeRainbow(text[9:])
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, rbword)
def get_welch(channel):
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, welch.get_thing()[0:400])
def get_evil(channel):
evilThing = evil.get_thing()
for line in [evilThing[i : i + 400] for i in range(0, len(evilThing), 400)]:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, line)
def get_tumble(url, channel):
tumble = tumblr.tumble(url)
for line in [tumble[i : i + 400] for i in range(0, len(tumble), 400)]:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, line)
def get_xkcd(channel, text):
links = xkcdApropos.xkcd(text[6:])
joined_links = ", ".join(links)
for line in [joined_links[i : i + 400] for i in range(0, len(joined_links), 400)]:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, line)
def get_wphilosophy(channel, text):
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, "Ok, give me a minute while I look up '{}'".format(text))
steps = wikiphilosophy.get_philosophy_lower(text)
if not steps:
ircsock, channel, "Couldn't find a wikipedia entry for {}".format(text)
joined_steps = " > ".join(steps)
if steps[-1] == "Philosophy":
joined_steps += "!!!"
for line in [
joined_steps[i : i + 400] for i in range(0, len(joined_steps), 400)
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, line)
def figlet(channel, text):
if not text:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, "No text given. :(")
lines = subprocess.Popen(
["figlet", "-w140"] + text.split(" "), shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE
for line in lines.split("\n"):
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, line)
time.sleep(0.4) # to avoid channel throttle due to spamming
def toilet(channel, text):
if not text:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, "No text given. :(")
lines = subprocess.Popen(
["toilet", "-w140", "-F", "crop", "--irc"] + text.split(" "),
for line in lines.split("\n"):
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, line)
time.sleep(0.4) # to avoid channel throttle due to spamming
def get_acronym(channel, text):
if not text:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, "No text given :(")
defs = acronymFinder.get_acros(text, True, True)
for d in defs[0:5]: # only the first five. they are already sorted by 'score'
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, d)
if len(defs) > 5:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, defs[-1])
def get_whosaid(channel, text):
if not text:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, " :No text given :(")
result = whoSaid(text)
date = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(result["timecutoff"])
dateStr = date.strftime("%B %d")
if not result["data"]:
msg = "Nobody said '%s' since %s" % (text, dateStr)
msg = "Since %s, %s said '%s' %d times" % (
if len(result["data"]) > 1:
msg += " and %s said it %d times" % (
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, msg)
def get_notice(user, channel):
util.notice(ircsock, user, channel, "Notice me senpai!")
def get_water(user, channel, msg, botnick):
if msg.find(botnick) == 0:
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, "Fight me, {}!".format(user))
def mug_off(channel):
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, "u want some of this, m8?")
def rollcall(channel):
text = """
U wot m8? I score all the top drawer #banter and #bantz on this channel! / Find new top-shelf banter with !newbanter [mungeWord [dictionary]], !rhymes, and !define.
Look up things with !acronym and !whosaid / Make your chatter #legend with !rainbow, !toilet, and !figlet.
Find interesting things with !xkcd and !wiki-philosophy / Get jokes with !welch !evil !kjp and !help
for line in textwrap.dedent(text).split("\n"):
if line == "":
util.sendmsg(ircsock, channel, line)
def listen(botnick):
while 1: # loop forever
ircmsg = ircsock.recv(2048).decode('utf-8')
for msg in ircmsg.split("\n"):
msg = msg.strip("\n\r")
if msg[:4] == "PING":
util.ping(ircsock, msg)
formatted = util.format_message(msg)
if "" == formatted:
# print(formatted)
_time, user, _command, channel, messageText = formatted.split("\t")
if messageText.find("#banter") != -1 or messageText.find("#bantz") != -1:
score_banter(channel, user, messageText)
if messageText.startswith("!newbanter"):
get_new_banter(channel, user, messageText)
if messageText.startswith("!rhymes"):
get_rhymes(channel, user, messageText)
if messageText.startswith("!define"):
define_word(channel, user, messageText)
if messageText.startswith("!rainbow"):
make_rainbow(channel, user, messageText)
if messageText.startswith("!welch"):
if messageText.startswith("!evil"):
if messageText.startswith("!kjp"):
get_tumble("http://kingjamesprogramming.tumblr.com", channel)
if messageText.startswith("!help"):
get_tumble("http://thedoomthatcametopuppet.tumblr.com", channel)
if messageText.startswith("!xkcd"):
get_xkcd(channel, messageText)
if messageText.startswith("!wiki-philosophy"):
get_wphilosophy(channel, messageText[17:])
if messageText.startswith("!figlet"):
figlet(channel, messageText[8:])
if messageText.startswith("!toilet"):
toilet(channel, messageText[8:])
if messageText.startswith("!acronym"):
get_acronym(channel, messageText[9:])
if messageText.startswith("!whosaid"):
get_whosaid(channel, messageText[9:])
if messageText.startswith("!notice"):
get_notice(user, channel)
if messageText.startswith("!water"):
get_water(user, channel, messageText[7:], botnick)
if messageText.startswith("!rollcall"):
if messageText.startswith(botnick + ":"):
if messageText.startswith("!join") and user == args.owner:
util.joinchan(ircsock, messageText[6:])
if messageText.startswith("!part") and user == args.owner:
util.part(ircsock, messageText[6:])
if messageText.startswith("!quit") and user == args.owner:
util.quit(ircsock, "Later chumps!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# ROOT: i commented this out until it stops pegging the CPU.
# ~krowbar: this has the same logic loop as tildebot but for whatever reason
# it is banterbot that gets booted from IRC then rage-thrashes the machine
ircsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
util.connect(ircsock, args)
# create a fake socket that we'll use to just write to the screen
import mock
ircsock = mock.Mock()
# print("!! ircsock was not initialized! most methods will not work !!")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import pinhook.plugin
from util import acronymFinder
def acronym_plugin(msg):
return pinhook.plugin.message(acronymFinder.get_acros(msg.arg, True, True))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import pinhook.plugin
from util import defineWord
def define_plugin(msg):
if not msg.arg:
return pinhook.plugin.message("{}: No word given".format(msg.nick))
word = msg.arg.split()[0]
defs = defineWord.defWord(word)
if not defs:
return pinhook.plugin.message("{}: Couldn't find the definition of '{}' :(".format(msg.nick, word))
elif isinstance(defs, list):
return pinhook.plugin.message("\n".join(["{} : Define '{}' {}".format(msg.nick, word, entry) for entry in defs]))
return pinhook.plugin.message("{} : Define '{}' {}".format(msg.nick, word, defs))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import pinhook.plugin
from util import evil
def evil_plugin(msg):
return pinhook.plugin.message(evil.get_thing())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import pinhook.plugin
def fight_plugin(msg):
if msg.botnick + ": " in msg.text:
return pinhook.plugin.message("u want some of this, m8?")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import pinhook.plugin
import subprocess
import time
def figlet_plugin(msg):
if not msg.arg:
return pinhook.plugin.message("No text given. :(")
lines = subprocess.Popen(
["figlet", "-w140"] + msg.arg.split(" "), shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE
for line in lines.split("\n"):
msg.privmsg(msg.channel, line)
time.sleep(0.4) # to avoid channel throttle due to spamming

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import pinhook.plugin
from util import newBanter
def newbanter_plugin(msg):
args = msg.arg.split()
banter = newBanter.getBanter(*args)
if banter == "":
text = "{}: Could not find any new banter".format(msg.nick)
if len(args) >= 1:
text += " using munge word '{}'. Try something else?".format(args[0])
return pinhook.plugin.message(text)
return pinhook.plugin.message("{}: Here, why don't you try '{}'?".format(msg.nick, banter))
except FileNotFoundError as e: # this happens if you attempt to search a word dict that doesn't exist
text = "{}: Could not find word dictionary".format(msg.nick)
if len(args) >= 2:
text += " '{}'. Maybe try another one?".format(args[1])
return pinhook.plugin.message(text)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import pinhook.plugin
def notice_plugin(msg):
msg.notice(msg.nick, "Notice me senpai!")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import pinhook.plugin
import random
def rainbow_plugin(msg):
word = msg.arg or "RAINBOW"
output = ""
rb = ["5", "7", "8", "3", "12", "13", "6"]
bg = "01"
idx = random.randrange(0, len(rb))
for l in word:
if l == " ":
output += " "
output += "\x03" + rb[idx % len(rb)] + "," + bg + l
idx += 1
return pinhook.plugin.message(output)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import pinhook.plugin
from util import rhymesWith
poetic_file = "/home/nossidge/poems/words_poetic.txt"
def rhymes_plugin(msg):
word = ""
if msg.arg == "":
with open(poetic_file, "r") as words:
word = random.choice(words.readlines()).strip("\n")
word = msg.arg.split()[0]
rhymes = rhymesWith.rhymeZone(word)
if len(rhymes) == 0:
return pinhook.plugin.message("{}: Couldn't find anything that rhymes with '{}' :(".format(msg.nick, word))
return pinhook.plugin.message("{}: Here, these words rhyme with '{}': {}".format(msg.nick, word, ", ".join(rhymes)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import pinhook.plugin
def rollcall_plugin(msg):
text = "U wot m8? I score all the top drawer #banter and #bantz on this channel! / Find new top-shelf banter with !newbanter [mungeWord [dictionary]], !rhymes, and !define."
text += "\nLook up things with !acronym and !whosaid / Make your chatter #legend with !rainbow, !toilet, and !figlet."
text += "\nFind interesting things with !xkcd and !wiki-philosophy / Get jokes with !welch !evil !kjp and !help"
return pinhook.plugin.message(text)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import pinhook.plugin
from util import banter
def banter_plugin(msg):
if "#banter" in msg.text.lower() or "#bantz" in msg.text.lower():
message = banter.score_banter(msg.nick, msg.text)
return pinhook.plugin.message(message)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import pinhook.plugin
def _plugin(msg):
return pinhook.plugin.message()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import pinhook.plugin
import subprocess
import time
def toilet_plugin(msg):
if not msg.arg:
return pinhook.plugin.message("No text given. :(")
lines = subprocess.Popen(
["toilet", "-w140", "-F", "crop", "--irc"] + msg.arg.split(" "),
for line in lines.split("\n"):
msg.privmsg(msg.channel, line)
time.sleep(0.4) # to avoid channel throttle due to spamming

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import pinhook.plugin
from util import tumblr
def kjp_plugin(msg):
return pinhook.plugin.message(tumblr.tumble("http://kingjamesprogramming.tumblr.com"))
def help_plugin(msg):
return pinhook.plugin.message(tumblr.tumble("http://thedoomthatcametopuppet.tumblr.com"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import pinhook.plugin
def water_plugin(msg):
if msg.botnick in msg.arg:
return pinhook.plugin.message("Fight me, {}!".format(msg.nick))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import pinhook.plugin
from util import welch
def welch_plugin(msg):
return pinhook.plugin.message(welch.get_thing())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import pinhook.plugin
from util import whoSaid
def whosaid_plugin(msg):
return pinhook.plugin.message(whoSaid.whoSaid(msg.arg))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import pinhook.plugin
from util import wikiphilosophy
def wiki_philosophy_plugin(msg):
msg.privmsg(msg.channel, "Ok, give me a minute while I look up '{}'".format(msg.arg))
steps = wikiphilosophy.get_philosophy_lower(msg.arg)
if not steps:
return pinhook.plugin.message("Couldn't find a wikipedia entry for {}".format(msg.arg))
joined_steps = " > ".join(steps)
if steps[-1] == "Philosophy":
joined_steps += "!!!"
for line in [ joined_steps[i : i + 400] for i in range(0, len(joined_steps), 400) ]:
msg.privmsg(msg.channel, line)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import pinhook.plugin
from util import xkcdApropos
def xkcd_plugin(msg):
return pinhook.plugin.message(xkcdApropos.xkcd(msg.arg))

Code/irc/newBanter.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
import random
import re
dictDir = "/usr/share/dict/"
def getBanter(morphWord="bant", dictName="words"):
with open(dictDir + dictName, "r") as dict:
# get rid of all the words with apostrophes
words = list(filter(lambda word: re.search(r"^[^']*$", word), dict.readlines()))
head = getBanterHead(words, morphWord)
tail = getBanterTail(words, morphWord)
if head == "" and tail == "":
return "" # dang, we just failed
# pick randomly between non-empty strings
return random.choice([w for w in [head, tail] if w != ""])
def getBanterHead(words, morphWord):
morphHead = morphWord[0:-1]
morphLast = morphWord[-1]
filtered = list(filter(lambda word: re.search(morphHead, word), words))
if len(filtered) == 0:
return "" # nothing applicable found
word = random.choice(filtered).strip("\n")
end = word.find(morphHead) + len(morphHead)
if end == len(word):
return word + morphLast
if "aeiou".find(word[end]) > -1: # just append 't'
return word[:end] + morphLast + word[end:]
else: # replace the letter with 'b'
return word[:end] + morphLast + word[end + 1 :]
def getBanterTail(words, morphWord):
morphTail = morphWord[1:]
morphFirst = morphWord[0]
filtered = list(filter(lambda word: re.search(morphTail, word), words))
if len(filtered) == 0:
return "" # nothing applicable found
word = random.choice(filtered).strip("\n")
start = word.find(morphTail)
if start == 0:
return morphFirst + word
if "aeiou".find(word[start]) > -1: # just append a 'b'
return word[:start] + morphFirst + word[start:]
else: # replace the letter with 'b'
return word[: start - 1] + morphFirst + word[start:]

View File

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
#!/usr/bin/python #!/usr/bin/python
import random import random
import hashlib
import inflect import inflect
import quote_puzzle import quote_puzzle
import dict_puzzle import dict_puzzle
import textcaptcha
p = inflect.engine() p = inflect.engine()
primes = [11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71] primes = [11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71]
fuzz_amount = 3 fuzz_amount = 3
def make_puzzle(obfuscate=True): def make_puzzle(obfuscate=True, roll=None):
answer = 0 answer = 0
bonus = 0 bonus = 0
puzzle = random.choice( puzzle = random.choice(
@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ def make_puzzle(obfuscate=True):
] ]
) )
puzzle += " " puzzle += " "
roll = random.randrange(0, 18) roll = roll or random.randrange(0, 21)
var1 = random.randrange(1, 10) var1 = random.randrange(1, 10)
var2 = random.randrange(1, 10) var2 = random.randrange(1, 10)
var3 = random.randrange(1, 20) var3 = random.randrange(1, 20)
@ -159,6 +161,16 @@ def make_puzzle(obfuscate=True):
elif roll <= 17: # 15-17 elif roll <= 17: # 15-17
answer, puzzle = dict_puzzle.get_anagram() answer, puzzle = dict_puzzle.get_anagram()
obfuscate = False obfuscate = False
elif roll == 18:
answer, puzzle = quote_puzzle.get_chuck()
obfuscate = False
elif roll <= 20: #19-20
captcha = textcaptcha.get_captcha()
puzzle = captcha['q'] # the question part of the captcha
answer = lambda a : hashlib.md5(a.encode()).hexdigest() in captcha['a'] # check if the answer is correct
obfuscate = False
bonus = 1
# Add a question mark on the end of the question # Add a question mark on the end of the question
if puzzle[-1] != "?": if puzzle[-1] != "?":

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
import json
import urllib
import random import random
import re import re
quotefile = "/home/karlen/irc/quotes.txt" quotefile = "/home/karlen/irc/quotes.txt"
chuckfile = "chuck.txt"
chuckApi = "https://api.icndb.com/jokes/random"
def get_quote(): def get_quote():
quotes = open(quotefile, "r").read().split("---") quotes = open(quotefile, "r").read().split("---")
@ -11,3 +16,12 @@ def get_quote():
word = random.choice([q for q in quote.split(" ") if len(q) > 1]) word = random.choice([q for q in quote.split(" ") if len(q) > 1])
quote = quote.replace(word, re.sub(r"[a-zA-Z]", "_", word)) quote = quote.replace(word, re.sub(r"[a-zA-Z]", "_", word))
return [word, 'Fill in the blank: "' + quote + '" ' + attr] return [word, 'Fill in the blank: "' + quote + '" ' + attr]
def get_chuck():
#chucks = open(chuckfile, "r").readlines()
#chuck = random.choice(chucks).rstrip()[:200] # get only the first 200 chars
# ha ha! let's see if we can confus login
chuck = json.loads(urllib.urlopen(chuckApi).read().decode())['value']['joke'][:200]
word = random.choice([w for w in chuck.split(" ") if len(w) > 1 and w.lower() != "chuck" and w.lower() != "norris"])
chuck = chuck.replace(word, re.sub(r"[a-zA-Z]", "_", word)).replace("&quot;", "\"")
return [word, 'Fill in the blank: "{}"'.format(chuck)]

View File

@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ def get_positive():
"Totally right", "Totally right",
"Close enough", "Close enough",
"That's it", "That's it",
"Winner, winner",
] ]
) )
@ -88,10 +91,13 @@ def get_negative():
"Not today", "Not today",
"Try again", "Try again",
"Maybe later", "Maybe later",
"Maybe next time",
"Probably not", "Probably not",
"Answer hazy", "Answer hazy",
"Not quite", "Not quite",
"Not even close", "Not even close",
"Not for you",
"I think not"
] ]
) )
@ -152,6 +158,7 @@ def get_superlative(score):
"my friend", "my friend",
"probably not a robot", "probably not a robot",
"valuable to the team", "valuable to the team",
"now trending",
] ]
) )
@ -161,15 +168,17 @@ def get_bad_thing():
[ [
"is a meanie", "is a meanie",
"mugs me right off", "mugs me right off",
"miffed me off",
"is worse than a horse", "is worse than a horse",
"smells like a ghost", "smells like a ghost",
"probably didn't bathe today", "probably didn't bathe today",
"probably shakes babies",
"didn't guess hard enough", "didn't guess hard enough",
"isn't lucky", "isn't lucky",
"smells of elderberries", "smells of elderberries",
"should reconsider their life choices", "should reconsider their life choices",
"did't believe in the heart of the tilde", "did't believe in the heart of the tilde",
"came to the wrong chat channel", "came to the wrong side of town",
"should have stopped while they were ahead", "should have stopped while they were ahead",
"requires annotations from an authoratative source", "requires annotations from an authoratative source",
"could have been a contender", "could have been a contender",
@ -177,6 +186,26 @@ def get_bad_thing():
"drank my milkshake", "drank my milkshake",
"is probably cheating", "is probably cheating",
"is trying too hard", "is trying too hard",
"didn't really try",
"should try harder",
"caught me in a bad mood",
"should have gone with their first choice",
"did not receive IFR clearance from tower",
"was tardy for class",
"is on double secret probation",
"forgot their keys",
"forgot to bribe me",
"forgot to close the door",
"waited too long",
"doesn't call me on my cellphone",
"isn't wearing a seatbelt",
"didn't courtesy flush",
"asked a bot for answers",
"was right but I didn't feel like it",
"is right on opposite day",
"actually answered the last question",
"has their pants on backwards",
"forgot their own name",
] ]
) )

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
krowbar&^%2640&^%1544031477 krowbar&^%2740&^%1548423098
karlen&^%498&^%1527613440 karlen&^%498&^%1527613440
endorphant&^%803&^%1543250496 endorphant&^%809&^%1444775660
jumblesale&^%25&^%1426171214 jumblesale&^%25&^%1426171214
marcus&^%2578&^%1538071912 marcus&^%2578&^%1538071912
papa&^%181&^%1474509971 papa&^%181&^%1474509971
epicmorphism&^%11&^%1543094151 epicmorphism&^%15&^%1546280322
audy&^%83&^%1504564254 audy&^%83&^%1504564254
kc&^%28&^%1480730333 kc&^%28&^%1480730333
vilmibm&^%24&^%1540452691 vilmibm&^%24&^%1540452691
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ cel&^%11&^%1430162676
quote_bots&^%3&^%1424737471 quote_bots&^%3&^%1424737471
bave&^%1&^%1427591141 bave&^%1&^%1427591141
scellef&^%13&^%1428707074 scellef&^%13&^%1428707074
cndorphbot&^%20&^%1441299746 cndorphbot&^%60&^%1441299746
reppard&^%11&^%1437512059 reppard&^%11&^%1437512059
jesse&^%6&^%1437569027 jesse&^%6&^%1437569027
khoi&^%3&^%1438044039 khoi&^%3&^%1438044039
@ -34,30 +34,27 @@ tahnok&^%4&^%1464913072
nilsding&^%12&^%1454100197 nilsding&^%12&^%1454100197
vypr&^%3&^%1452470872 vypr&^%3&^%1452470872
synergian&^%22&^%1458152889 synergian&^%22&^%1458152889
demobot&^%6&^%1454439605 demobot&^%6&^%1454439605
premysl&^%65&^%1461768606 premysl&^%65&^%1461768606
xkeeper&^%201&^%1539193279 xkeeper&^%201&^%1539193279
cosnok&^%807&^%1508878859 cosnok&^%807&^%1508878859
escobar&^%1&^%1475431401 escobar&^%1&^%1475431401
amicabot&^%30&^%1481225205 amicabot&^%30&^%1481225205
caff&^%1030&^%1540040705 caff&^%1030&^%1540040705
kadin&^%19&^%1542733284 kadin&^%19&^%1541514839
desvox&^%42&^%1543941924 desvox&^%59&^%1548198585
mankins&^%3&^%1480211581 mankins&^%3&^%1480211581
cinch&^%2&^%1480454755 cinch&^%2&^%1480454755
caffbot&^%969&^%1532662872 caffbot&^%969&^%1532662872
evilbot&^%4&^%1480693919 evilbot&^%4&^%1480693919
tybaltcat&^%7&^%1481076625 tybaltcat&^%7&^%1481076625
minerbot&^%146&^%1520382015 Minerbot&^%316&^%1548341661
mio&^%347&^%1529720473 mio&^%347&^%1529720473
archangelic&^%484&^%1542913092 tehfraga&^%673&^%1547260565
sushi&^%10&^%1493253212 sushi&^%10&^%1493253212
troido&^%302&^%1538991819 troido&^%303&^%1548409580
gamebot&^%203&^%1542958081 gamebot&^%336&^%1548409599
nilaky&^%1552&^%1544038067 nilaky&^%1757&^%1548386011
bucket&^%103&^%1507931139 bucket&^%103&^%1507931139
lolbot&^%1&^%1502568407 lolbot&^%1&^%1502568407
m455&^%12&^%1512076715 m455&^%12&^%1512076715
@ -69,12 +66,10 @@ feoh&^%48&^%1513959989
pinhook&^%8&^%1509744722 pinhook&^%8&^%1509744722
emfor&^%3&^%1509671353 emfor&^%3&^%1509671353
k2l8m11n2&^%11&^%1510932395 k2l8m11n2&^%11&^%1510932395
sacredpix&^%3&^%1522082931 sacredpixel&^%3&^%1522082931
deltawitch&^%3351&^%1544023739 login&^%3249&^%1548423081
kelpiebot&^%3&^%1513101957 kelpiebot&^%3&^%1513101957
unreal&^%2&^%1534387108 unreal&^%2&^%1534387108
kinsey&^%26&^%1520446672 kinsey&^%26&^%1520446672
testgameb&^%2&^%1537604954 testgameb&^%2&^%1537604954
erin&^%2&^%1517681999 erin&^%2&^%1517681999
@ -85,57 +80,62 @@ silver&^%9&^%1519333029
equa&^%53&^%1534373756 equa&^%53&^%1534373756
audiodude&^%2&^%1519453927 audiodude&^%2&^%1519453927
whimsy&^%47&^%1529678733 whimsy&^%47&^%1529678733
wangofett&^%242&^%1544037429 wangofett&^%285&^%1547499873
saturn597&^%3&^%1521429369 saturn&^%3&^%1521429369
lucidiot&^%28&^%1526201925 lucidiot&^%28&^%1526201925
tracer&^%1&^%1521744878 tracer&^%1&^%1521744878
jan6&^%1143&^%1543703382 jan6&^%1346&^%1548353997
jan&^%10&^%1522319160 eeeeeta&^%55&^%1540361066
etathetae&^%3&^%1522937843 cmccabe&^%81&^%1529698164
carbon&^%9&^%1524135505 carbon&^%9&^%1524135505
ne1&^%7&^%1524024485 ne1&^%7&^%1524024485
Halian&^%32&^%1528360263 Halian&^%32&^%1528360263
lunasspec&^%4&^%1524164784 lunasspecto&^%4&^%1524164784
littlebigly&^%49&^%1535927253 severak&^%17&^%1546438400
ralph&^%4&^%1526980620 ralph&^%4&^%1526980620
von&^%449&^%1543590188 von&^%490&^%1548233084
ensis&^%1750&^%1539356542 ensis&^%1750&^%1546853217
simon&^%26&^%1527937489 simon&^%26&^%1527937489
benharri&^%2533&^%1544038200 benharri&^%3241&^%1548427827
cpb&^%3&^%1528930564 cpb&^%3&^%1528930564
calmbit&^%160&^%1542220635 calmbit&^%160&^%1541625694
wisebot&^%5652&^%1542183214 wisebot&^%5652&^%1539612163
paannd_a&^%2&^%1529617165 paannd_a&^%2&^%1529617165
nincollin&^%6&^%1531186900 ninlenna&^%6&^%1531186900
x4464&^%1&^%1532028546 x4464&^%1&^%1532028546
pounce&^%19&^%1532133325 pounce&^%19&^%1532133325
livix&^%7&^%1533603142 livix&^%7&^%1533603142
ben&^%3&^%1533767627 ben&^%3&^%1533767627
npa&^%261&^%1543988008 npa&^%319&^%1548385964
ezo&^%6&^%1533883842 ezo&^%6&^%1533883842
aliasless&^%36&^%1541001821 aliasless&^%36&^%1541001821
kirch&^%246&^%1544033582 kirch&^%487&^%1548427938
root&^%2&^%1535558514 root&^%2&^%1535558514
byte&^%5&^%1536416308 byte&^%5&^%1536416308
qbe&^%7&^%1537850181 qbe&^%7&^%1537850181
informati&^%3&^%1536733938 informativeheck&^%3&^%1536733938
h00fi&^%1&^%1537050053 h00fi&^%1&^%1537050053
fantoro&^%50&^%1543968518 fantoro&^%57&^%1542125611
benjaminwil&^%558&^%1543607099 tildethief&^%7421&^%1542132794
diodelass&^%3&^%1539382302 diodelass&^%3&^%1539382302
brendantcc&^%3&^%1539908223 brendantcc&^%3&^%1539908223
dozens&^%21&^%1542222479 dozens&^%21&^%1541090333
bowlercaptain&^%6&^%1540926135 bowlercaptain&^%6&^%1540926135
nicole&^%6&^%1541276844 nicole&^%6&^%1541276844
midnightpupil&^%12&^%1542216854 littlebigly&^%49&^%1541283119
ahriman&^%332&^%1544037605 ahriman&^%624&^%1548397580
tunas&^%101&^%1543361911 tunas&^%114&^%1545848648
khuxkm&^%19&^%1543867110 netscape_navigator&^%5&^%1545846867
ckipp01&^%3&^%1543438777 roan&^%5&^%1545846612

View File

@ -164,47 +164,50 @@ def listen():
while 1: while 1:
ircmsg = ircsock.recv(2048).decode("utf-8") ircmsg = ircsock.recv(2048).decode("utf-8")
ircmsg = ircmsg.strip("\n\r") for msg in ircmsg.split("\n"):
msg = msg.strip("\n\r")
if ircmsg[:4] == "PING": if msg[:4] == "PING":
util.ping(ircsock, ircmsg) util.ping(ircsock, msg)
formatted = util.format_message(ircmsg) formatted = util.format_message(msg)
if "" == formatted: if "" == formatted:
continue time.sleep(1)
# print formatted # print formatted
msgtime, user, command, channel, messageText = formatted.split("\t") msgtime, user, command, channel, messageText = formatted.split("\t")
if command == "TOPIC" and user != args.nick: if command == "TOPIC" and user != args.nick:
count_topic(channel, user, msgtime, messageText) count_topic(channel, user, msgtime, messageText)
if ircmsg.find(":!topic") != -1: if msg.find(":!topic") != -1:
get_topic(channel, user, msgtime) get_topic(channel, user, msgtime)
if ircmsg.find(":!settopic") != -1: if msg.find(":!settopic") != -1:
set_topic(channel, user, msgtime, messageText[10:]) set_topic(channel, user, msgtime, messageText[10:])
if ircmsg.find(":!tscores") != -1: if msg.find(":!tscores") != -1:
topic_scores(channel) topic_scores(channel)
elif ircmsg.find(":!tscores") != -1: elif msg.find(":!tscores") != -1:
topic_score(channel) topic_score(channel)
if ircmsg.find(":!randomtopic") != -1: if msg.find(":!randomtopic") != -1:
random_topic(channel, user, msgtime, True) random_topic(channel, user, msgtime, True)
if ircmsg.find(":!suggesttopic") != -1: if msg.find(":!suggesttopic") != -1:
random_topic(channel, user, msgtime, False) random_topic(channel, user, msgtime, False)
if ircmsg.find(":!thistory") != -1: if msg.find(":!thistory") != -1:
topic_history(channel, user, messageText) topic_history(channel, user, messageText)
if ircmsg.find(":!rollcall") != -1: if msg.find(":!rollcall") != -1:
rollcall(channel) rollcall(channel)
sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.flush()
time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1)
ircsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ircsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
vilmibm&^%0&^%4 vilmibm&^%0&^%4
krowbar&^%2&^%1vantablack krowbar&^%3&^%1vantablack

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ MAX_LINE = 400
def ping(ircsock, msg): def ping(ircsock, msg):
print("{} => PONG {}".format(msg, msg.split(" ")[1])) # print("{} => PONG {}".format(msg, msg.split(" ")[1]))
ircsock.send("PONG {}\n".format(msg.split(" ")[1]).encode()) ircsock.send("PONG {}\n".format(msg.split(" ")[1]).encode())

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/python3 #!/usr/bin/python3
import urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import random import random
import requests
def get_philosophy(word, max_steps=20): def get_philosophy(word, max_steps=20):
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ def get_philosophy(word, max_steps=20):
url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s" % word url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s" % word
while steps < max_steps: while steps < max_steps:
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.request.urlopen(url).read(), "html.parser") print("url: {}".format(url))
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")
title = soup.find("h1", id="firstHeading") title = soup.find("h1", id="firstHeading")
content = soup.find("div", id="mw-content-text") content = soup.find("div", id="mw-content-text")
if not content: if not content:
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ def get_philosophy(word, max_steps=20):
][0] ][0]
step_words.append(item.get("title")) step_words.append(item.get("title"))
# print item.get('title') + "\n" # print item.get('title') + "\n"
url = "https://en.wikipedia.org%s" % item.get("href") url = "https://en.wikipedia.org{}".format(item.get("href"))
steps += 1 steps += 1
return step_words return step_words
@ -48,9 +49,15 @@ def get_philosophy_lower(word, max_steps=20):
step_words = [word] step_words = [word]
steps = 0 steps = 0
url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s" % word url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/{}".format(word.replace(" ", "%20"))
while steps < max_steps: while steps < max_steps:
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.request.urlopen(url).read(), "html.parser") print("url: {}".format(url))
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")
if soup.find(id="noarticletext"):
step_words.append("(not found)")
title = soup.find("h1", id="firstHeading") title = soup.find("h1", id="firstHeading")
content = soup.find("div", id="mw-content-text") content = soup.find("div", id="mw-content-text")
if not content: if not content:

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import re
import shutil import shutil
import argparse import argparse
import logging, sys import logging, sys
import math
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG) logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG)
@ -54,6 +55,12 @@ parser.add_argument(
help="the minimum occurence of a word to include it in the cloud", help="the minimum occurence of a word to include it in the cloud",
default=3, default=3,
) )
help="what kind of time stamp should be inserted into the chat cloud. valid values are none, start, end, month, and full",
args = parser.parse_args() args = parser.parse_args()
@ -75,16 +82,22 @@ bannedWords = open(args.bannedWordsFile).read().splitlines()
bannedUsers = open(args.bannedUsersFile).read().splitlines() bannedUsers = open(args.bannedUsersFile).read().splitlines()
with open(args.logfile, "r") as log: with open(args.logfile, "r") as log:
firstTime = None # track these for the timestamp we may do later
lastTime = None
for line in log: for line in log:
try: try:
time, user, message = line.split("\t", 3) mtime, user, message = line.split("\t", 3)
time = int(time) mtime = int(mtime)
except ValueError: except ValueError:
continue # There are some bad lines in the log file that we'll ignore if we can't parse continue # There are some bad lines in the log file that we'll ignore if we can't parse
if user in bannedUsers: if user in bannedUsers:
continue # We don't care what they say continue # We don't care what they say
if time >= args.timestart and time <= args.timeend: if mtime >= args.timestart and mtime <= args.timeend:
# print "Processing line from " + user + " at " + str(time) # print "Processing line from " + user + " at " + str(mtime)
if firstTime is None:
firstTime = mtime
lastTime = mtime
for word in ( for word in (
re.sub("['\"\`\/\\;:,.?!*&^\-()<>\{\}|_\[\]0-9]", " ", message) re.sub("['\"\`\/\\;:,.?!*&^\-()<>\{\}|_\[\]0-9]", " ", message)
.lower() .lower()
@ -103,9 +116,26 @@ with open(args.logfile, "r") as log:
wordData = {i: wordData[i] for i in wordData if wordData[i] >= args.minOccurrence} wordData = {i: wordData[i] for i in wordData if wordData[i] >= args.minOccurrence}
if len(wordData) == 0: if len(wordData) == 0:
wordData = {"NOTHING": 1, "INTERESTING": 1, "TODAY": 1} wordData = {"NOTHING": 1, "INTERESTING": 1, "TODAY": 1}
elif args.timestamp is not "none":
stamp = "DATE";
if args.timestamp == "start":
stamp = time.strftime("%B %d, %Y", time.gmtime(firstTime))
elif args.timestamp == "end":
stamp = time.strftime("%B %d, %Y", time.gmtime(lastTime))
elif args.timestamp == "full":
stamp = "{} to {}".format(time.strftime("%b %d, %Y", time.gmtime(firstTime)), time.strftime("%b %d, %Y", time.gmtime(lastTime)))
elif args.timestamp == "month":
# use the month of one day before the last day
stamp = time.strftime("%B %Y", time.gmtime(lastTime - 86400))
# make the timestamp a bit bigger than everything else
size = int(math.ceil(wordData[max(wordData, key=wordData.get)] * 1.3)) + 1
wordData[stamp] = size
print("Added timestamp \"{}\" of size {}".format(stamp, size))
if args.outfile == "": if args.outfile == "":
print(json.dumps(wordData)) print(json.dumps(wordData))
else: else:
with open(args.outfile + ".tmp", "w") as tmpFile: with open(args.outfile + ".tmp", "w") as tmpFile:
tmpFile.write(json.dumps(wordData)) tmpFile.write(json.dumps(wordData))
shutil.move(args.outfile + ".tmp", args.outfile) shutil.move(args.outfile + ".tmp", args.outfile)
print("Dumped {} words to {}".format(len(wordData), args.outfile))

View File

@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash
START=$((`date +%s` - 2678400)) START=$((`date +%s` - 2678400)) # 31 days
END=`date +%s` END=`date +%s`
MONTH=`date -d yesterday +_%Y_%m` MONTH=`date -d yesterday +_%Y_%m`
DATE=`date -d yesterday +%b\ %Y` DATE=`date -d yesterday +%b\ %Y`
OUT=/home/krowbar/logs/chatcloud${MONTH}.json OUT=/home/krowbar/logs/chatcloud${MONTH}.json
DIR=/home/krowbar/public_html/data DIR=/home/krowbar/public_html/data
PAGE=/home/krowbar/public_html/chatcloud/index.html PAGE=/home/krowbar/public_html/chatcloud/index.html
LINE=16 LINE=16 # This is the magic line number where we want to insert the new option in the dropdown
/usr/bin/python /home/krowbar/Code/python/chatcloud2.py -timeend $END -timestart $START -outfile $OUT /usr/bin/python /home/krowbar/Code/python/chatcloud2.py -timeend $END -timestart $START -outfile $OUT -timestamp "month"
ln -s $OUT $DIR if [ ! -e ${DIR}/chatcloud${MONTH}.json ]
ln -s $OUT $DIR
echo Creating link to $OUT in $DIR
echo Skipping linking... already exists in $DIR
sed "${LINE}i <option value=\"${MONTH}\">${DATE}</option>" < $PAGE > $PAGE.tmp sed "${LINE}i <option value=\"${MONTH}\">${DATE}</option>" < $PAGE > $PAGE.tmp
echo Added option for ${DATE} in $PAGE
mv $PAGE.tmp $PAGE mv $PAGE.tmp $PAGE

View File

@ -13,24 +13,26 @@
<div> <div>
<select id="series"> <select id="series">
<option value="">Today</option> <option value="">Today</option>
<option value="_2018_11">Nov 2018</option> <option value="_2019_01">Jan 2019</option>
<option value="_2018_10">Oct 2018</option> <option value="_2018_12">Dec 2018</option>
<option value="_2018_09">Sep 2018</option> <option value="_2018_11">Nov 2018</option>
<option value="_2018_08">Aug 2018</option> <option value="_2018_10">Oct 2018</option>
<option value="_2018_07">Jul 2018</option> <option value="_2018_09">Sep 2018</option>
<option value="_2018_06">Jun 2018</option> <option value="_2018_08">Aug 2018</option>
<option value="_2018_05">May 2018</option> <option value="_2018_07">Jul 2018</option>
<option value="_2018_04">Apr 2018</option> <option value="_2018_06">Jun 2018</option>
<option value="_2018_03">Mar 2018</option> <option value="_2018_05">May 2018</option>
<option value="_2018_02">Feb 2018</option> <option value="_2018_04">Apr 2018</option>
<option value="_2018_01">Jan 2018</option> <option value="_2018_03">Mar 2018</option>
<option value="_2017_12">Dec 2017</option> <option value="_2018_02">Feb 2018</option>
<option value="_2017_11">Nov 2017</option> <option value="_2018_01">Jan 2018</option>
<option value="_2017_10">Oct 2017</option> <option value="_2017_12">Dec 2017</option>
<option value="_2017_09">Sep 2017</option> <option value="_2017_11">Nov 2017</option>
<option value="_2017_08">Aug 2017</option> <option value="_2017_10">Oct 2017</option>
<option value="_2017_07">Jul 2017</option> <option value="_2017_09">Sep 2017</option>
<option value="_2017_06">Jun 2017</option> <option value="_2017_08">Aug 2017</option>
<option value="_2017_07">Jul 2017</option>
<option value="_2017_06">Jun 2017</option>
<option value="_2017_06">Jun 2017</option> <option value="_2017_06">Jun 2017</option>
<option value="_2017_05">May 2017</option> <option value="_2017_05">May 2017</option>
<option value="_2017_04">Apr 2017</option> <option value="_2017_04">Apr 2017</option>
@ -121,7 +123,8 @@ jQuery.getJSON(source, function(json) {
.size([1200, 800]) .size([1200, 800])
.words(jsonWords) .words(jsonWords)
.padding(3) .padding(3)
.rotate(function() { return ~~(Math.random() * 2) * 90 * !document.getElementById('flat').checked; }) // Never rotate the largest item. It is most likely the date
.rotate(function(d) { return ~~(Math.random() * 2) * 90 * (!document.getElementById('flat').checked && d.size != maxCount); })
.font("Impact") .font("Impact")
.fontSize(function(d) { return Math.sqrt(d.size) * 50 / maxSize + 6; }) .fontSize(function(d) { return Math.sqrt(d.size) * 50 / maxSize + 6; })
.on("end", draw); .on("end", draw);