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Setting up the tilde.club IRC server

We chose to go with charybdis, mostly because it's in the Debian/Ubuntu package repository (universe), so we can update it without having to go through the configure/make/make install process.

System setup

The server is an Amazon EC2 instance, running Ubuntu. Initial system setup included:

  • modifying the hostname (sudo hostname irc) (and perhaps also needing to edit the /etc/hostname file, unclear)
  • updating the /etc/hosts file (add irc.tilde.club irc and tilde.club tilde)
  • setting the EC2 security group to allow TCP traffic on port 6667 from the tilde shell server only

Setup changes on the tilde shell server to support the IRC server

The tilde shell server needed a few tweaks, as well:

  • updating /etc/hosts (add irc.tilde.club irc so users can get to the server by hostname alone)
  • setting the EC2 security group to allow TCP traffic on port 113 (identd) from the IRC server only

Installing charybdis

First, we needed to add the "universe" repository to the apt repository list:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) universe"

Once that was added, charybdis could be installed:

sudo apt-get install charybdis