
824 B

Setting up the tilde.club IRC server

We chose to go with charybdis, mostly because it's in the Debian/Ubuntu package repository (universe), so we can update it without having to go through the configure/make/make install process.

System setup

The server is an Amazon EC2 instance, running Ubuntu. Initial system setup included:

  • modifying the hostname (sudo hostname irc) (and perhaps also needing to edit the /etc/hostname file, unclear)
  • updating the /etc/hosts file (add irc.tilde.club irc)

Installing charybdis

First, we needed to add the "universe" repository to the apt repository list:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) universe"

Once that was added, charybdis could be installed:

sudo apt-get install charybdis