an imageboard in sh
Go to file
2019-11-29 19:46:18 -05:00
shi shi 2 2019-10-16 22:17:39 -07:00
templates updated oppost template 2019-10-18 00:43:12 -04:00
.gitignore first commit 2018-12-29 19:32:48 -05:00 shi 2 2019-10-16 22:17:39 -07:00 shi 2 2019-10-16 22:17:39 -07:00 shi 2 2019-10-16 22:17:39 -07:00 shi 2 2019-10-16 22:17:39 -07:00
LICENSE first commit 2018-12-29 19:32:48 -05:00
main.css shi 2 2019-10-16 22:17:39 -07:00 shi 2 2019-10-16 22:17:39 -07:00
problems.txt shi 2 2019-10-16 22:17:39 -07:00 Update '' 2019-11-29 19:46:18 -05:00 shi 2 2019-10-16 22:17:39 -07:00 fixed image links on nonstandard suburls 2019-11-16 23:59:45 -05:00 shi 2 2019-10-16 22:17:39 -07:00 shi 2 2019-10-16 22:17:39 -07:00


SHell Imageboard (second edition)

actually pretty decent


  • its all POSIX sh
    • seriously
  • posting
  • replies
  • images
  • timestamps
  • more

how to set up

  • clone this repo
  • cd to this repo
  • . ./ to start the shi console
    • start_listener to start listening for posts
  • you might want to do tail -f log.txt in another terminal to see whats going on

how backends work

  • shi has a builtin framework for swappable backends both for post receiving and storage, currently there is:
    • tar backend
      • like the old version of shi
      • receives tar files through nc and generates posts
      • bad
      • don't use it
    • http backend
      • listens for an http POST request with form data
      • allows user-friendly html post form
      • cool
      • good
    • file db backend
      • stores posts as a series of text files in folders
      • unchanged from old shi
      • ok
  • how backends work
    • listening
      • a backend is a shell script with a listen function
      • this function is expected to continuously output post data it receives
      • as long as the backend has a listen function that continuously outputs data to stdout in the proper format, shi doesn't care where it comes from.
    • db
      • a db backend is simply a shell script providing the following functions:
        • path_to_post <post id>
        • create post <board> <parent> <user> <title> <content> <image_name> <image_content> <post_id> <post_type>
        • get_post_data <post_data_path> <item>
        • note that since these functions are both in the same file, post_data_path can be in any format you desire
        • again, shi doesn't care how this is done, only that it follows this format

anatomy of a post

  • user
    • name of user who posted the post
  • title
    • title of post
    • this will be ignored for replies
  • content
    • the text content of a post
  • thumb_path
    • optional, filesystem path to the thumbnail of the post's image
  • image_path
    • optional, filesystem path to the image
  • html_path
    • path to where the html of the post is stored
  • post_id
    • unique numerical id of the post
  • post_type
    • type of post, specifies what template to use
    • currently there is 'oppost' and 'reply' supported
  • replies
    • newline separated list of post_id's for all the replies to the op post
    • a trailing /. is added to prevent find from seeing post_data_path itself

defining new post templates

  • edit your template of choice in the 'templates' folder,
  • {{{ TRIPLE BRACES }}} will be replaced with their respective variables

style notes

  • if it can be done in a single line, you can set a variable to it, otherwise declare the variable as empty and then set it to your operation
  • follow shellcheck

files n folders

  • boards
    • where all the html for the boards is stored
    • source this to allow you to control shi
    • global variables (really just settings)
  • inbox
    • where posts data is cached before being processed
  • latest
    • the id of the latest post
    • very important!!
    • free software, free society
  • log.txt
    • log
  • problems.txt
    • current issues with shi
    • this file
    • debug script that nukes all boards and completely resets shi
    • don't use this unless you've really screwed up
    • memories
  • templates
    • templates
    • utility functions employed by

this whole rewrite started because of a feature request by desvox. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of responding to http requests with sh, this feature was not added.

Sorry desvox :(