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# API Routes
Allowed routes from the spookvooper api.
**Note:** All API routes are api.spookvooper.com OR spookvooper.com/api/
## /User Routes
- /GetUser [svid]: Returns all user data
- /GetUsername [svid]: Returns username
- /GetSVIDFromUsername [username]: Returns SVID
- /GetUsernameFromDiscord [discordid]: Returns username
- /GetSVIDFromDiscord [discordid]: Returns SVID
- /GetUsernameFromMinecraft [minecraftid]: Returns username
- /GetSVIDFromMinecraft [minecraftid]: Returns SVID
- /HasDiscordRole [userid, role]: Returns true or false
- /GetDiscordRoles [svid]: Returns list of roles
- /GetDaysSinceLastMove [svid]: Returns an integer
## Group Routes
- /DoesGroupExist [svid]: Returns true or false
- /GetGroupMembers [svid]: Returns all member SVIDs, in a json list object
- /HasGroupPermission [svid, usersvid, permission]: Returns true or false
- /GetSVIDFromName [name]: Returns SVID
- /GetName [svid]: Returns name
## /Eco Routes
- /GetBalance [svid]: Returns decimal
- /SendTransactionByIDs [from, to, amount, auth, detail]: Returns a result. 'from' and 'to' are svids. Detail should include 'sale' if it is a sale.
- /GetStockValue [ticker]: Returns decimal
- /GetStockHistory [ticker, type, count, interval]: Returns list of stock history. Please do not use a count of over 60. Type can be "MINUTE", "HOUR", or "DAY".
- /SubmitStockBuy [ticker, count, price, accountid, auth]: Returns a result. Auth key must belong to accountid or have permission to it.
- /SubmitStockSell [ticker, count, price, accountid, auth]: Returns a result. Auth key must belong to accountid or have permission to it.
- /CancelOrder [orderid, accountid, auth]: Returns a result.
- /GetStockBuyPrice [ticker]: Returns decimal. Cheapest stock available for ticker.
- /GetQueueInfo [ticker, type]: Returns list of queue data. Type can be "BUY" or "SELL".
- /GetUserStockOffers [ticker, svid]: Returns list of stock offer data.
- /GetDistrictWealth [id]: Returns total wealth of a district
- /GetDistrictUserWealth [id]: Returns total user wealth of a district
- /GetDistrictGroupWealth [id]: Returns total group wealth of a district
## Oauth2
What is Oauth2?
- Oauth2 allows applications to verify and control accounts from another platform without ever sharing sensitive information.
How can I use Oauth2?
- SpookVooper is currently matching the standard Oauth configuration, although it is limited to only "code" response type and "authorization_code" grant type currently.
You can register apps at: <https://spookvooper.com/oauth2>
### Oauth2 Routes
- /Authorize [response_type, client_id, redirect_uri, scope, state]: Redirects back to 'redirect_uri' with a "code" and "state" parameter if successful
- /RequestToken [grant_type, code, redirect_uri, client_id, client_secret]: Returns a json object containing the token, expire time in seconds, and svid of the authorized user
### What are the scopes
All scopes are now supported! Separate them with commas. The simplest scope is "view", which just gives you the id of the account. Also useful is "eco".
### How do I use the key?
Instead of an API key, format a key as "oauthkey|app_secret". SV will automatically split the two.