
892 B

MOROS Regular Expression Engine

MOROS include a simplified regular expression engine with the following syntax:

  • \ escape the following character to its literal meaning
  • ^ matches the starting position within the string
  • $ matches the ending position within the string
  • * matches the preceding element zero or more times
  • + matches the preceding element one or more times
  • ? matches the preceding element zero or one time
  • . matches any single character
  • \w matches any alphanumeric character
  • \W matches any non-alphanumeric character
  • \d matches any numeric character
  • \D matches any non-numeric character
  • \w matches any whitespace character
  • \W matches any whitespace character

The engine is UTF-8 aware, so for example the unicode character é will be matched by \w even if it's not present in the ASCII table and has a size of two bytes.