experimental phoenix application (just a toy)
Updated 2023-05-05 01:49:30 +00:00
Small (pytte actually means tiny in swedish) toy language that transpiles into V and is then compiled.
Updated 2022-11-01 14:41:36 +00:00
random stuff, trinkets, toys and whatnot...
Updated 2019-04-27 20:42:50 +00:00
toy (and probably insecure) messenger
Updated 2023-05-24 14:27:55 +00:00
A roguelike sound collection drone-strument toy.
Updated 2022-05-15 05:27:24 +00:00
A toy text editor in Tcl/Tk for educational purposes.
Updated 2024-02-08 06:55:00 +00:00
Toy brainf**k interpreter; example app that can be modified without restarting
Updated 2024-03-11 05:35:51 +00:00
A toy Spartan client
Updated 2022-02-09 22:22:24 +00:00
Updated 2023-08-03 02:20:27 +00:00
Absolutely useless toy implementation of twitter. I needed some little project idea to learn Yesod and persistent, and I couldn't come with any my own problem that would be solved with an web application.
Updated 2024-02-11 08:26:51 +00:00
Toy operating system written for educational purposes.
Updated 2022-06-28 16:42:20 +00:00
MOROS: Obscure Rust Operating System 🦉
Updated 2024-05-01 04:45:56 +00:00
Documentation for toy language called Babble
Updated 2023-03-11 12:47:33 +00:00
Web-based video toy.
Updated 2020-03-19 07:01:32 +00:00